Of course quite apart from the free banana or apple at the end, the reward of racing include a rush of endorphins and a real sense of pride that you have stuck it out. If you are fairly new to the running game or just not for clocking big distances , then idea of a half marathon may seem like mountain to climb. It certainly represents a huge achievement, but half marathon is a distance that's truly accessible to all runners.
It's often said that you have to walk before you run but it's great way to get started with your running because it allows you gradually build your ability & confidence. After a while, though, you will be looking for a new challenge: continuous running.
So lets get started.
Walk First:
If you are currently sedentary , start with 15-20 minute walk 3-5 days …show more content…
Prolong sitting make them short, tight & vulnerable to pulls. Loosen them with stretches.
Lower Leg
Shin splints are caused by overuse of tibialis and soleus muscles in lower leg. Avoid them by building your run time slowly & running on soft surface.
Your quadriceps are the strongest muscle group in your body because they control it's heaviest bone- the femur. Stretch to relax them after a run.
connective tissue such as your ligaments & tendons, take longer than muscles to adapt to the rigorous of running. Increase your weekly run time by just 10 per cent from week to week to give your knee a chance to catch up to your muscles.
Soft Lending will save your feet.
Have Fun
Enjoy your runs. New runner mostly quit because it isn't fun. Once running pattern becomes fixed , it stops motivating you. Change routes , challenge yourself , find running buddies , set small goals & achieve them , it will make you keep going.
Just Run What You Can Run
Never mind the marathon , focus on getting out of the front door .
Hope this will help you get going , start today as tomorrow never comes