2. Running Record: 7:30 AM Child A walks into Living room and picks up building blocks. Child A stacks each block one on top of each other. Child A places a barbie doll on top of the blue block. Child A then picks up a basket from the shelf. 7:35 Child A fills basket with blocks and other objects. Child A wanders around searching for something. Child A finds a bag containing “play” makeup. Child A calls to younger sister to join her. Child A is told the toy is only for supervised play because of the small objects. 7:40 Child A agrees and places toy out of reach. Child A sits down and plays quietly by herself. 7:45 Child A expresses concerns of going outside today. Child A is told possibly. Child A agrees, and begins to read a book. 7:50 Child A crawls on the carpet imitating a dog’s movements. Child A is moving slow, and swaying back and forth. In summary, Child A is able to entertain herself quite fine. Child A is very self motivating.
3. Event Sampling: 10:00 AM The condition currently is a relaxed setting. Child A colors a picture alongside younger sibling. Child A engages in conversation with the sibling. Child directs younger sibling to gather items from other room. Child A and younger sibling walk together to the dining room. Child A offers to act as the bad guy while younger sibling is rescued. Childs a behavior is friendly to other sibling. Both seem to enjoy similar activities.
4. Time Sampling: 12:00 PM