There are many advantages and disadvantages of choosing to live in the country or to live in a city; such as social setting; air quality; employment; and entertainment. The advantages of living in a city outweigh the advantages of living in the country.…
The values among rural and urban cultures have similarities and differences. Values are based on “beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something)", according to “Webster” (2012). A pure rural family lives within a much smaller populated area than a pure urban family. Rural families tend to have closer ties to the community because it is a less populated area. Urban families that live in a city have a tendency to spend less time at community functions because they are generally not as close knit. Rural families rely on the value system passed down to them from their ancestors and they place these values and beliefs high on their importance level.…
After reading Reyhan Harmanci’s essay “Giving up my small-town fantasy” that was published in 3rd September 2014 in NY times, opinions section, I do agree her when she told us about her experience in living in two different places (rural and urban). and when she pointed out how big cities differ from small towns.. However, I disagree in others thoughts.…
There are many differences between living in the city or in a country setting, but the country setting has many more advantages over the city. The air and water quality and other environment factors are improved in the country setting. The school system is safer and less crowded in a rural setting. The roads are not loaded with traffic and taxis. The country is safer than the city and crime rates are lower. In the country, there is an abundance of trees and vegetation. In the country, there are parks and open spaces, and there is a variety of wildlife to observe. Although some of the reasons why one might choose to live in either place are left to personal preference, there are many factors based solely on facts.…
When choosing a place for you and your family to thrive entirely, it is very substantial to choose your…
Most of an urban people have higher income and better opportunities than small town people. Based on the location and surrounding of a person, it can influence his/her dreams, objectives, and goals. The person who grew up in New York City is most likely to have a dream of working in Wall Street (Investment firms, Banking, Business Analysis) or 5th Avenue (Designing, Modeling, and Retail Businesses). And the person who grew up in country side around farm lands is most likely to dream of becoming a great farmer or entrepreneur in farming business. The city people are more adapted to the diversities and changes because they’re more interrelated with constant changing of global businesses and global affairs. In the other hand, the country people are more content with their lives and more generous than city people. That is why most of the country people way of lifestyles is a lot simpler and their life expectancy rates are also higher than unban people.…
Today we make important decisions when deciding where to live. This is not a decision that is always easy to make. There are many things that you need to take into consideration. Like do you want your neighbors to be close, do you like to listen to the noise and traffic of the city? Don’t forget to consider your job and drive time, and pets if you have or want them. For many people this is one of the many important decisions they will have to make. Do you live in the city or the country? The decision is yours to make.…
Many families and individuals find themselves at some point questioning the advantages of city living versus country living. It is nearly impossible to find a good answer to this question. What is good for one person might not be good for another. Some people enjoy the busy, hyper active metropolitan city where they can use all amenities and have unlimited opportunities for work and leisure. At the same time, other people feel the urge to be closer to Mother Nature, relaxation, beauty, and peace. They take pleasure in living in the calm and peaceful environment of the countryside and spending their free time fishing, hiking, picking berries in the woods, or playing in the creek. In my opinion, the nature of urban and rural life style and the effect it has on people is the most important difference between living in the city and living in the country. I feel fortunate to have grown up in the rural area. I would never trade my memories of playing in the creek, riding four wheelers, or climbing trees all within a short walk from my house. Health, education, and transportation are three major concerns that need to be considered. While city life can bring more opportunities in these cases, country life can provide the best of both worlds.…
Why are the social relations between urban and rural areas so different and what causes these differences to occur? This question is what I am going to be arguing. I will be doing this not only through my opinions and ideas, but also through the works of Georg Simmel, Louis Wirth and Ernest Burgess. All three of these urban scholars add a slightly different view of urbanism as a way of life.…
The purpose of this text will prove that country life differs from city life in many ways. This paper will help determine the best place to live if someone’s looking for change. These topics are broad, so narrowing down to key points will help diversify the topic. First, economical differences such as job opportunity and everyday costs. Second, environmental differences that effect health and the mind. Third, social differences like people’s demeanor, attitude, and perception towards each other also, social events. Finally, discussing some lifestyle differences between the communities.…
The layout of the city life is much more modern in style than the farm life. Usually, the scenery in a city is of high buildings, loud, and not as green, but it does offer more conveniences. City life is better described as being at a faster pace, and having peer pressure along with work pressure. In the city, there are a big variety of universities, colleges, schools, museums, theaters, and markets. These days people usually prefer the modern lifestyle. People in the city tend to give their everyday needs the same priority as their materialistic desires. City dwellers can be easily embarrassed if they have an older car or if they have a job that pays less than their friends or relatives.…
After reading Hallway Hangers, a sense of the complex relationship between poverty and education is gained: it a dualistic one. In some views, education is a means out of poverty, yet those who grow up poor often have different opportunities, hopes, and experiences in their school years. During my time thus far at Colgate, I have participated and watched many sporting events on campus, and found that local families attend and cheer with as much enthusiasm as the students. Similarly, on National Athletes appreciation Day last year the Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC) ran a program at both the elementary and high schools in Hamilton, providing question and answer periods for the students and giving them skills clinics. The tremendous respect that I felt that the students gave me was overwhelming, not because I was just an athlete, but because I attended Colgate University. While observing the sporting events and the community outreach programs I realized then that Colgate is a virtual mecca for this area. So a double standard is evident: the presence of a relatively prestigious college is no doubt an inspiration to local students; but the reality of the matter is - how many of these youths could, and would, achieve a college diploma?…
I spent my whole childhood in a little village. And the first time when I traveled to a large city, I heard some city people saying that given chance, they would prefer to live in the countryside far away from the noisy and dirty city. I could not help wondering why the nature and the open space were more attractive than the modernization and grand buildings . As far as I’m concerned, country life has the advantage over city life of the sense of belonging , but living in the city gives people a special feeling of superiority .…
Claude Fischer, professor of sociology (6/15/2011) The Berkley Blog, Country Crime and City Crime Retrieved from:…
city, but as it is well-known that for search of better living opportunities, people use to migrate from rural to urban areas. Rural areas are lagging behind in all good opportunities of life. It is an alarming situation for India. Father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi says, “India inhabits in villages”. But after seven decades of our independence, we fail to develop our villages and make them self-sufficient and self-reliance. Situation is going grim day by day in rural areas because of emigration from villages, destruction of cottage and small-scale industries and backwardness of agriculture sector. On the other hand, the situation of urban centre is over-populated and over-burdened on civic amenities. People immigrated in urban centers fail to…