In current world, the rural and its development is considering as a phenomena for new break, scene, scenery, environmental richness and its promotion and increasingly regarded as an imperative element. Historical monuments, edifices, traditional rural mores, customs and the social order are being paid more attention. Universally, in some more reachable rural regions, there has been incursion of population; often the people are despondent with the living conditions of big cities. Many parts of the countryside, rural decline and development issues remain vital. Tourism has been established to be a dominant locomotive for economic growth – transferring capital, income and employment from industrial, urban and developed areas to non-industrial, rural and under developed areas.
Tourism growth potential can be harnessed as a strategy for rural development. The development of a strong platform around the concept of rural tourism is definitely useful for a Sub-Division like Oku. Across the world the trends of industrialization and development have had led to a “counter urbanization” syndrome. This has led to growing interest in the rural areas. At the same time this trend of urbanization has led to falling income levels, lesser job opportunities in the total areas leading to an urbanization syndrome in the rural areas. Rural Tourism is one of the few activities which can provide a solution to these problems. Besides, there are other factors which are shifting the trend towards rural tourism like increasing levels of awareness, growing interest in heritage and culture and improved accessibility, and environmental consciousness. In the developed countries, this has resulted in a new style of tourism of visiting of village settings to experience and live a relaxed and healthy lifestyle. This concept has taken the shape of a formal kind of rural tourism.
Rural Tourism is not thoroughly a new notion. It is a