Санникова М. В.
Научный руководитель – старший преподаватель Корниенко В.В.
Сибирский федеральный университет
Recently, subjects of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the accession of
Russia became dominant in public discourse in our country. In the discussion involved officials, politicians, parliamentarians, businessmen.
Defenders of the WTO membership declare that without the participation of the World
Trade Organization, Russia is unable to continue economic reforms, to participate equally in international trade and receiving the associated benefits of participation. Their opponents believe that WTO accession will result in irreparable damage to whole branches of industry, would deprive the Government of the possibility of adopting the right economic decisions, and the most radical ones think that membership in the WTO "would kill millions of
This article contents an effort to understand what benefits the World Trade
Organization provides its members and what responsibilities must be performed by members, how participation in the WTO impact on the development of international trade.
1. What would be prohibited to Russia after WTO accession?
Basic "guides" arising from WTO membership, can be summarized in a following way: •
To raise import tariffs independently above the level adopted by WTO members. At the same time, Russia will save the right to use other measures of the internal market protection (special protective, antidumping and countervailing measures), installed on top of import duties.
• Apply quantitative restrictions, excepting special protective measures.
• Apply a maximum or minimum required price (for energy goods).
• Restrict access to transit and transit networks.
• Tie import (of goods, capital and services) with the obligation to export (in energy sector). • Use export subsidies in all forms (requirement of EU).
• Implement