A huge amount of the Russians were very poor peasants and all of their land was owned by the government. Even though the government only made up a very small portion of the population. The peasants wanted the right to own their own land where they could make a profit out of it to provide food for their family. They did not only fail to …show more content…
A government based on the ideas of radical socialism would best fit the Russian people because it stops the problem at the root source, the government. Completely starting over would have been a good idea because nothing that the government did was working well. All of the new laws, reforms, and freedoms only seemed to confuse the people more, which shows that something needed to be changed. The Provisional Government even turned to the top socialist workers to help shape the future of their homeland. If the people wanted things to improve then they needed a fundamental change and this is only possible with radical socialism because it tackles the problem at it’s root. The government needed to be dismantled entirely rather than make small