“We” decides: a concept of supranational identity with reference to the EU and Turkey
What makes the EU-joining of Turkey difficult for the countries of the European Union?
1. Introduction
2. Social groups and Europe
3. The role of institutions
4. Symbols
5. Paradigms
6. European Values
7. Comparison with Turkey
8. Conclusion
1. Introduction
Turkey has been an associate member for the European Union since 1963 and is since 1999 a candidate for full membership. In this context Turkey disestablished inter alia death penalty and makes efforts for a better human rights compliance. Many countries joined the EU in the last years. In Croatia people adore until today war criminals and countries like Greece subvert since years EU-criteria. However Turkey is until today not a EU-member. Politicians from EU-countries stated many times, that especially the parliamentarian democracy is not consolidated enough for the joining of Turkey. Human rights in general, the denial of the Armenian genocide in the First World War, the situation of the Kurdish minority in the country or the treatment of the freedom of speech in general. Nevertheless there are other reasons, which are not directly related to politics and the official statements of EU-representatives. The historical memory of many EU-countries and a common occident based EU-identity make the entry of Turkey difficult. In this essay I explain the functioning of groups and supranational identities in general. Furthermore I give an insight of European1 identity in relation to the exclusion of Turkey. In addition to that I show the impact of the European identity on the difficulties of the EU-joining of Turkey.
2. Social groups and Europe
To understand the European identity it is necessary to understand the functioning of social groups in general. Social relations are
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