Diedre could benefit from the transference and countertransference intervention in Jungian therapy. She can link her past personal dramas which represent an archetypal struggle, comprised of images and symbols from the past, to a new self-realization (Capuzzi & Gross, 2011). This goal can also be achieved by unlocking other elements of her unconscious including her desires, memories and past events by engaging in art, dream interpretation and/or spirituality. These methods can help Deidre gain a new insight into the grieving she has experienced in losing her father and the lack of her mother’s support due to her mental health issues, mood swings and hoarding problem. Deidre is essentially grieving a loss of both parents, even though her mother is alive. Deidre’s mother was not available to her and not capable of nurturing her.…
The Lovely Bones is written by Alice SeBold and is about a young girl named Susie who was brutally murdered by her next door neighbor, Mr. Harvey. No one suspected Mr. Harvey in the beginning, but with Susie’s help from the beyond, he became the lead suspect. Susie began to send clues to her family from heaven, but the problem was that only her father, brother and sister could connect with her and feel her presence. This problem expanded quickly and because of it, tore the family apart. Abigail, Susie’s mother, became the one torn from the family. Abigail dealt with Susie’s death differently than everyone else in the Salmon family. Abigail’s grieving process was slower than everyone else’s grieving process. Abigail becomes the antagonist in the novel and becomes the one character that can’t face Susie’s death.…
Although each person reacts to the knowledge of impending death or to loss in his or her own way, there are similarities in the psychosocial responses to the situation. Kubler-Ross' (1969) theory of the stages of grief when an individual is dying has gained wide acceptance in nursing and…
Kubler-Ross' (1969) theory of the stages of grief when an individual is dying has gained wide acceptance in nursing and other disciplines.…
Dr. Kubler-Ross developed a model to include the five stages of grief associated with loss or in the case of Ivan Ilyich, with dying. The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. They don't necessarily occur in this particular order but can sometimes also overlap. There is no set amount of time for theses stages to occur, however, there are times when Ivan Ilyich experiences them all.…
These stages don’t always occur sequentially, and you might experience some stages over and over again. Intentionally focusing on healing from grief will empower you to reach acceptance.…
Kubler-Ross (2005) argued that there were five stages of grief, these being the following stages: 'Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance'. She believes these five stages of grief are part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we have lost and feels these stages make people better equipped to cope with life and loss. She states that they are not tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief. Not everyone goes through all of them or goes in a prescribed order (Kubler-Ross et al., 2005). A description of Kubler-Ross' five stages of grief are:…
Bereavement also has five different stages of loss and grief, which are denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance stated by Axelrod (2006). All five stages take time and process to work through them. This group will allow individuals to express their emotions and mortality to the group. Bereavement is a process that many people cannot endure without support around them. The bereavement group that is being formed will be used as another source of support that suffering individuals can…
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross developed a five stage grief model based on the following principles; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Originating through work with…
Trials and hardships test and shape us as we learn from our experiences of dealing with them in our everyday lives, increasing our inner strength and understanding. Trials and hardships such as minor inner conflicts like what to wear or what to eat for breakfast, to extreme external conflicts such as war. (eg. Terrorist attack 9/11 we can see how it has affected people positively and negatively). Although a person might not be aware of inner conflict, it is often revealed in their reactions. Reactions such as deny, avoid and escape. We pretend that things are ok when they aren’t and we pretend that we are ok when we aren’t. We avoid anything that brings us close to our grief and we look for ways to escape. Our escape may involve drugs, alcohol, people, work, overspending or over eating. Many of these examples can be seen in the lives of the celebrities that are plastered all over our media. Lindsay Lohan being thrown into a behavioural correction centre, marriage break ups such as Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s and mental breakdowns such as the few that Brittany Spears had. Actions taken in moments of grief and pain are often actions we live to regret. We panic and run away. We break a relationship. We forsake a commitment. We withdraw from people. We hurt ourselves. Just like these celebrities did. In some way we are always actively responding to difficulty.…
Every day we are given a fresh start; another chance to move forward in our lives and accomplish the things we thrive to achieve day to day. A new day can also liberate us from our past mistakes and provide us with a chance to change our ways. We are all faced with misery and misfortune at points in our lives, some more than others. We must recognize that it is not the burden in itself that shapes who we are, but how well or how poorly we deal with the difficulties. Sometimes misfortunes can be seen in a negative light; because it seems unjust, therefore we response in a negative matter, and become negligent to change. Overcoming tragic events is what truly counts, for we are meant to live happily and in acceptance that there are things that we cannot change. In many cases, individuals seem to feel as though they’ve lost an amount so great that they are unable to free themselves of the pain. This perspective often leads to further suffering. A Temporary Matter by Jhumpa Lahou and Kiss Me by Andrew Pyper demonstrate a loss of identity, negligence towards communication, and eventually leading to the destruction of a relationship.…
Divorce is an intensely stressful experience for all children, regardless of age or developmental level; many children are inadequately prepared for the approaching divorce by their parents. Children at the beginning of a divorce have numerous emotions. Primarily composed of a sense of vulnerability as the family disintegrates, many children do not realize their parents' marriage is troubled. This paper there will be a discussion of the following topics1.What the onset of this life change do children experience?2.What is the reaction to grief of the loss of the intact family?What the onset of this life change do children experience?The experience of a loss of the non-custodial parent is sundry feeling of intense anger of the disruption of the family, and of powerlessness for the child caught in the middle. Usual and customary support systems tend to dissolve, though the ignorance or reluctance of adults to actively seek out this support for children. "A study in 1980 found that less than 10% of children had support from adults other than relatives during the acute phase of the divorce" (Kalaman 2007). The concept of being alone in the world is a very frightening thing for a child to experience. These children know that nothing will ever be the same again, and their previously secure world is in a state of change. Many things will change in the…
In ‘The Management of Grief” the narrator states that “Acceptance means you speak of your family in past tense and you make active plans for moving ahead with your life.” This quote is key to the theme because it ties in with dealing with loss while also struggling with being an outsider in a foreign country.…
Separation, divorce, and death in the family are all huge stressors for families, and these events are usually very traumatic, especially for children (Barbour, 2011, p. 110). It is during these moments that children usually lose all feelings of security, as they are forced into new patterns and functions of family life. They…
McGoldrick, M. & Walsh, F. (2011) Death, Loss, and the Family Life Cycle. In Carter, B., McGoldrick, M., and Garcia-Preto, N. (4th Ed.), The expanded Family Life Cycle: Individual, Family and Social Perspectives (pp. 278-291) New York, NY: Pearson Publishers.…