II.FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSISIn terms of the completed financial analysis, there are several findings as follows:•Profitability Ratios highlight the operating performance from the generated profit. (Atrill & McLaney, 2008)Operating Profit MarginFigure 1. Operating Profit Margins (%)The graph shows that easyJet's operating profit margins declined sharply, reaching only 3.85% from 10.16% and this is moderately low, compared to the three-year average of 7.09%. Unlike easyJet, Ryanair has more stable profit margins, 21.01% on average. According to the figures, Ryanair seems more vigorous in generating higher profit from its sales, which was partially due to hotels, car rentals and other non-flight products selling. On the other hand, easyJet seems had been negatively affected by intense competition among its rivals as well as the price pressures.
Return on Capital EmployedFigure 2. Return on Capital Employed (%)The ROCE shows the performance of business in generating profit to its long-term capital suppliers. (Atrill & McLaney, 2008) The highest ROCE ratio, 10.41% in 2007 specifies that easyJet had a better performance by fully using its assets in generating revenues. However, the ROCE slid dramatically to only 4.46%, which indicates a weak performance because its return on assets was probably below its cost of capital. In terms of overall ROCE, Ryanair had a higher margin, 11.19%, than easyJet, 7.73%. From this figure, it is suggested that easyJet should operate at Ryanair's significant discount.
Return on Shareholders' FundFigure 3. Return on
References: trill. P. & McLaney.E. 2008. Accounting and finance for non-specialists sixth edition. London. Prentice HallDictionary (2009). Price-To-Book Ratio - P/B Ratio [online]. Available from http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/price-to-bookratio.asp (Accessed on 14 April 2009)easyJet company website (2009). Annual Reports and Accounts 2006 [online]. Available from http://www.easyjet.com (Accessed on 1 April 2009)easyJet company website (2009). Annual Reports and Accounts 2007 [online]. Available from http://www.easyjet.com (Accessed on 1 April 2009)easyJet company website (2009). Annual Reports and Accounts 2008 [online]. Available from http://www.easyjet.com (Accessed on 1 April 2009)easyJet LSE:EZJ (2009). EasyJet Company Information [online]. Available from http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=ukfinancials&symbol=LSE%3AEZJ (Accessed on 15 April 2009)London Stock Exchange website (2009). RYA RYANAIR HOLDINGS PLC ORD EUR0.00635 [online]. Available from http://www.londonstockexchange.com/en-gb/pricesnews/prices/System/DetailedPrices.htm?sym=IE00B1GKF381IEEURSET2B1GKF38RYA#PriceChart (Accessed on 14 April 2009)London Stock Exchange (2009). EZJ EASYJET PLC ORD 25P [online]. Available from http://www.londonstockexchange.com/en-gb/pricesnews/prices/system/detailedprices.htm?sym=GB0001641991GBGBXSET 20164199EZJ (Accessed on 14 April 2009)Ryanair Holdings Plc ADS NASDAQ:RYAAY (2009). Ryanair Company Information [online].Available from http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=financials&symbol=NASDAQ%3ARYAAY (Accessed on 15 April 2009)Ryanair company website (2009). Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2006 [online]. Available from http://www.ryanair.com (Accessed on 1 April 2009)Ryanair company website (2009). Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2007 [online]. Available from http://www.ryanair.com (Accessed on 1 April 2009)Ryanair company website (2009). Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2008 [online]. Available from http://www.ryanair.com (Accessed on 1 April 2009)Ryanair company website (2009). 3rd Quarter Results 2009 [online]. Available from http://www.ryanair.com (Accessed on 1 April 2009)