Brandi Carter
September 18, 2013
Dawn Weldon, Professor
Where would we be without communication? People communicate in many different ways, both verbally and nonverbally, whether it is face to face, through fax or simply by making eye contact. In order to create messages that generate meaning communication is needed. Everyone communicates differently but without communication the world would be chaotic, no one would be able to have a conversation or even follow directions, so therefore communication is a very important part of our lives. People communicate both verbally, which focuses on how you use words and language, while nonverbal communication refers to message components other than words to generate meaning. Though both are a form of …show more content…
communication, they differ in so many way, such as verbal communication uses language or your voice as a method of communication. Examples of such communication are talking on the phone, talking face to face or even through email and social networks. This form of communication is important because without it group participation would be nonexistent. While nonverbal communication can be your body language, the tone of your voice and even the physical proximity between the two people communicating. A facial expression is also a form of nonverbal communication. So essentially, verbal communication uses language as a way of communicating, while nonverbal communication does not rely on language. (Engleberg & Wynn, Chapter Chapter 7: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Groups, 2010). Many challenges are faced when gender is involved with communication.
While everyone is created equally under the eyes of God, men and women differ in so many ways. They differ in the way they think, feel, act and talk. A woman’s body language and the way they speak is different, as well as the language that is used. The communication styles of men and women differ in that women communicate through using dialogue, discussing their emotions, choices and problems, while men tend to be more action-oriented, while the goal of both genders is to achieve something, just in different ways. Another example would be how the develop friendships and participate in group activities, women focus more on making a connection with the other person(s) involved while men take a whole different approach with the connection not being as important. Men tend to have larger buddy groups than women and activities are more important that conversations to them. From my experience men are more reserved than women and less likely to use language when communicating, they make great team members because it does not require much dialogue (Sherwood, Ph.D.,
2013). Communicating with someone of your own culture can pose difficult for someone that is of the same culture as yourself but when communicating with someone of a different culture with different customs many difficulties may arise. There are language barriers as well as different body language that may be offensive if you don’t understand the person’s culture. Everyone communicates in a different way and when u add certain biases it adds further confusion and misunderstandings. One may communicate more effectively in certain cultures by getting to know others from that culture. By learning their language, it may make you more familiar with how things are done in that particular culture, as well as researching it and comparing the similarities to things done in your own culture. You can study the likes and dislikes of others as well as what people in your peer group enjoy doing. You can find out what things are offensive and try to avoid those, as well as finding out some of their likes to add to conversation. Another example is to keep an open line of communication. Communication is an important part of our everyday lives and without it we would not be able to work together or even follow simple directions. Without communication the world would be chaotic and full of selfish individuals that think their way is the right way. So when communicating with people of different genders and cultures keep an open mind at all times to avoid conflict. Also watch your tone and body language because both verbal and nonverbal communication can offend others without you even knowing.
Sherwood, Ph.D., S. (2013). 10 Ways Men and Women Communicate differently. Retrieved from
Engleberg, Isa N., & Wynn, D. R. (2010). Working in Groups. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database