SQ3R Worksheet
Part 1
Refer to p. 122 in Ch. 5 of Keys to Success. Read the selection and describe how you have applied the steps of the SQ3R method to read the selected passage.
How did you survey? I reviewed the heading, subheading, and the words in bold and italic print to get a grasp of what I was reading about. I also read the text on the margin (definitions) so that when I began reading the material, I had a good understanding of how the terms were being used.
What questions did you ask? My questions were what is classical conditioning, and what example could I use, other than the one provided, that would help me better understand the concept of classical conditioning.
How did you read? After doing another quick survey, I thoroughly read the text from beginning to end. Skimming through the text and reviewing the headings and bold and italicized words first helped better comprehend what I was reading.
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I was able to answer both questions after I completed the reading. Classical conditioning is essentially the behavioral and/or habitual modification of cause and effect, or “if this, than that”. It involves the association of a stimulus (something that causes the reaction, whether natural or trained) with the reaction itself. Applying that to a personal experience as an example, I try a new food and subsequently get sick with the flu. Because it happened back to back, even though one has nothing to do with the other, I associate the two, and develop a dislike for that food and feel sick whenever I smell or see