Our analysis indicates there are five major problems or issues the chorus needs to address. First, the chorus is listed as a non-proift allowing them to receive donations and apply for grants. However, they are not using this status to its full potential. Second, SVP has not have established a consistent branding. This makes it difficult for people and organizations to recognize SVP group and recent successes. Third, although they have an online presence (e.g., Facebook website, Twitter), these efforts at social networking are not well developed and are not used in a systematic manner. Fourth, SVP …show more content…
The chorus’s main audience is people who are older than 50 years of age; although a cappella is becoming more popular across different generations. There are two competitors in the SAI organization locally including the Scottsdale Chorus in Scottsdale and Westwind Harmony in Sun City West. However, there are other regional competitors; for example, Harmony Rain, Goode Time Carolers, and Amplified A Cappella. Also, there are range of other a cappella groups across the Valley such as at Arizona State University.
Stakeholder Analysis
Forte Group has identified five stakeholders. Stakeholders are defined by Stanford Research Institute as, “those groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist.” (2)
Chorus members are a primary stakeholder. Those who are directly involved in rehearsals and performances. The women who belong to SVP enjoy performing for their communities and the family-like atmosphere. SVP stands to gain more members to keep the evolution of the chorus going.
Female Singers are a primary stakeholder. They would benefit from having access to a group with community partnerships and music education. Through better community awareness, more women will have access to this musical …show more content…
The animated personality of SVP members can help the group in appearing more relatable to the younger audience they desire to reach. A large advantage for the group is its affiliation to the larger organization, SAI. SVP has received recognition through SAI competitions. The affiliation with SAI has proven beneficial to SVP because of exposure through performances and individual vocal lessons. SVP is able to maintain its nonprofit status because of its association with the larger entity of SAI.
Weaknesses: The SVP is a group of women whose average age is 50 years and older. This puts the group at a disadvantage because an older membership does not typically appeal to younger women. The major weaknesses the chorus faces is the sever lack of consistent branding, virtually nonexistent online presence and a minimal working budget. SVP currently has two logos with two drastically different color palettes. In the past these logos have been used interchangeably and inconsistently, resulting in confusion of which is the proper representation the chorus. “Logos help to communicate with the target audience and are often the first point of contact with that group” (Hardy,5) Social networking is a weakness for SVP because it is not used as much in older demographics. The graph below shows how younger generations are more active on social