3.0. Organizational Resources/Capabilities/Competencies Assessment
4.0. SWOT Analysis Table
1. Strong Brand Image.
2. Strong market leadership for a wide range of Products & Services.
3. Strong Financial Performance for Research & Development.
4. Strong Brand Loyalty by its Customer. Weaknesses
1. Expensive Products.
2. Apple’s products & services are incompatible with others.
1. Expend current distribution network.
2. Rises of demand for smartphones and tablets.
3. Developing of new product line. Threat
1. Other competitors which are offering cheaper products.
2. Smartphone based on Google’s Android operating system.
5.0. Ansoff’s Product Market Matrix
Market Penetration
-Existing market
-Existing …show more content…
We need to sell enough cars so that our profit earned is equal to the expenses, in short reaching breakeven point means to make no loss or profit. Since it is a new product which is also in a need industry, we have to reach at least the breakeven point, so that we can avoid incurring losses.
Product Objective – To promote brand awareness
Apple Company is entering a new industry, and Apple needs to grab the attention of the customers who are interested in buying iCar. Unlike in the phone industry whereby Apple have its base customers, Apple is new in automobile industry and have yet to capture the attention of the customers. Therefore, it is important to grab the attention of the customers by promoting brand awareness about Apple’s company iCar so that we can achieve breakeven point for the marketing objective.
Marketing Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
This product is segmented to United State of America. USA residents whom has great interest in high end technology cars and willing to spend more in vehicles to maintain an exclusive lifestyle. Other than that, high income and socioeconomic of the country also influences the residents to look forward upon luxury cars.
Undifferentiated …show more content…
product is a vehicle that gives comfort and a brand new experience of driving our Apple iCar. The iCar is a hybrid car and it is also environmental-friendly vehicle which runs 100% on electricity. Customers who possess iCar can save them petrol cost which could be very costly. The iCar consume less electricity and it can be driven for long hours hence, it can be driven on all sorts of terrain and it can have link functions with users who possess iPhone. Our clients who possess the iCar can either drive it manually or set it on auto-driving mode. Functions such as auto-driving, listening to music, watching movies, maps and many more of the applications in iPhone are all linkable. Apple, iCar’s design is slim and sleek just similar to the iPhone. Apple iCar comes with warranty for 7 years and also after sale service. Any customers who have problems with the iCar can deliver it for us to check and