Celebrity is the most common spokespersons. It featured in 6% of ads, enhance brand equity and create emotional bonds. Also, it is more effective with younger consumers and establishes brand personality. SA Food Center should invite celebrity chefs to promote SA food. The famous chefs over the world are Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay etc. They are good at cooking and have persuasion. Jamie and Gordon are British and they are also chefs, TV celebrities and restaurants’ boss. Jamie’s famous TV programme is “The Naked Chefs” and Gordon’s is “Hell’s Kitchen”. Jamie’s style in TV programme is relax and natural but Gordon’s is mean and grave. I prefer Jamie to be SA Food Center’s spokesperson since his image is calm. His TV programme is well-known in many countries and I have tried the food in his restaurant in Hong Kong and that is really nice. He can make the SA product easier to be accepted by the public and more prominent in similar products. I think many people interest in cooking and want to learn cooking from his books or TV programme. If he encourages people to use SA food in his books and TV programme, it should make a lot of people know SA food and want to buy. Moreover, SA Food center can sponsor some SA food to his restaurants and TV programme and let him mention the food is from SA. He will spend less money and time to purchase the food and SA food is promoted in his restaurants and TV programme. It will increase the sales volume in both his restaurants and SA Food Center. It is a win-win situation.
However, CEOs is highly visible and personable, can be major asset and used by local companies. It is not that suitable to represent the company easily since it is important person in the company. CEOs may go out during the risk situation.