But Social, technological, economic sector, poverty eradication and trade were major issues faced by SAARC. To overcome the economic and poverty problems in 1993, its member countries signed an agreement, South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA), for reducing tariff within the region. This agreement was implemented in 2006, the member countries agreed to bring tariff duties down by 20% up to 2009. Ever since its formation in 1985, 14 summits of this organization were held and a number of agreements were also signed, however, the plight of the region has not changed so far and as such the
But Social, technological, economic sector, poverty eradication and trade were major issues faced by SAARC. To overcome the economic and poverty problems in 1993, its member countries signed an agreement, South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA), for reducing tariff within the region. This agreement was implemented in 2006, the member countries agreed to bring tariff duties down by 20% up to 2009. Ever since its formation in 1985, 14 summits of this organization were held and a number of agreements were also signed, however, the plight of the region has not changed so far and as such the