B. subtilis was prominent with the value of 42 x 104 cfu/g in Sabo market, while the lowest count of 1 x 104 cfu/g was found for B. cereus. Observations made under this context signified that high rate of B. subtilis recorded in the decayed tomatoes could be as a result of opportunistic contamination through poor handling processes of tomato fruit. The occurrence of S. aureus that is usually associated with faecal matter also affirmed poor hygiene in the markets. This is consistent with the studies of Oyemaechi et al. (2014), who suggested that the presence of S. aureus in the decayed tomato fruit could be as a result of contamination with organic manure and/ or faecal matter. However, this observation negates other researchers’ report. For instance, Garg et al. (2013) isolated lactic acid bacteria, Vibrio furnissii, Serratia marcescens and Aeromonas hydrophila in India. The reason that can be offered to this is the geographical and seasonal weather variations and inconsistencies in the agronomic practices involved in tomato production such as cultivation, harvesting, handling and …show more content…
subtilis isolates, the other seven bacteria exhibited varied degrees of resistance and sensitivity to antibiotics (Table 5). This result is in consonance with of Ghosh (2009). Wogu and Ofuase (2014) reported that existence of bacteria with multiple antibiotic sensitivities and resistances in the tomato spoilage indicated high risks and potential hazards on consumption. Bruises and damages inflicted on fruit during harvest and handling could enhance proliferation of microbes as a vehicle of infections of such damaged tissue, thereby causing fruit decay. This confirmed the assertion of Matthew (2011) that spoilage microbes often gain entry into the fruit through wounds. Ghosh (2009) also opined that the prevalence of microbial contamination is aggravated by poor sanitation including cross‒contamination with other products in transit. Tomato traders always display ripened tomato fruit in the open and the heat of sun rays increases the rate of rotting. Previous researchers suggested that high temperatures may encourage deterioration of tomato fruit (Matthew, 2011), and speed up the physiologic processes, leading to accumulation and sub‒oxidation of metabolic by‒products (Fatima et al., 2015). A range of temperatures between 7.2oC and 10oC were recommended for the storage of ripened tomato fruit, while a range of 12.8oC‒21.1oC is appropriate for matured green fruit. Matthew (2011) also observed that supply of tomatoes all year round may not be attainable