On Employment * Unemployment rate among Muslim graduates is the highest among all socio-religious communities. * On Madrasa – The myth broken: Only 3% of Muslim children among the school going age go to Madarsas. * There is dearth of facilities for teaching Urdu.
Education of Muslim Girls - 1. Access to government schools for Muslim children is limited. 2. There is non-availability of schools within easy reach for girls at lower levels. 3. Absence of girls hostels and female teachers are also impeding factors. 4. Observations which could help Muslims 5. The schedule castes and schedule tribes have definitely reaped the advantages of targeted government and private action supporting their educational progress. 6. The sharper focus on school education combined with more opportunities in higher education for Muslims seems desirable. 7. Moreover, skill development initiatives for those who have not completed school education may also be particularly relevant for some sections of Muslims given their occupational structure. 8. Bidi workers, tailors and mechanics need to be provided with social safety nets and social security. 9. The participation of Muslims in the professional and managerial cadre is low. 10. Muslim regular workers are the most vulnerable with no written contract and social security benefits. Muslim regular workers get lower daily