While excavating Knossos, Evans found fragments of female statues holding snakes ("Snake Goddess"). Up to today there is still confusion on whether the images of the Minoan goddess represent a single goddess or multiple goddesses with different functions ("Snake Goddess"). The goddess is naked from her neck down to the waist and past the waist, she wears a flounced skirt (Glotz). The goddess is above all the protector of fertility; the goddess spreads happiness around the world because she is the one who gives life to her children and feeds them with her breast (Glotz). There were several goddesses portrayed and one of them is the goddess of the rock (Glotz). The whole earth was subject to her; her sanctuaries included mountaintops, caves and rocks (Glotz). It is very interesting how the Minoan religion was focused on goddesses, and how well respected they
While excavating Knossos, Evans found fragments of female statues holding snakes ("Snake Goddess"). Up to today there is still confusion on whether the images of the Minoan goddess represent a single goddess or multiple goddesses with different functions ("Snake Goddess"). The goddess is naked from her neck down to the waist and past the waist, she wears a flounced skirt (Glotz). The goddess is above all the protector of fertility; the goddess spreads happiness around the world because she is the one who gives life to her children and feeds them with her breast (Glotz). There were several goddesses portrayed and one of them is the goddess of the rock (Glotz). The whole earth was subject to her; her sanctuaries included mountaintops, caves and rocks (Glotz). It is very interesting how the Minoan religion was focused on goddesses, and how well respected they