Saddam Hussein's early life affected his life as a political leader and president.
Saddam was born in poverty in a mud hut (9)
His full name was Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (5)
Before he was born his father left their family and his brother died from cancer (5)
His stepfather made his life hard but then Saddam ran away to his uncle (4)
Saddam Hussein's uncle “filled him with dreams of Arab glory...He came to believe he was destined for greatness.” (4)
Saddam almost immediately went into politics after school (5)
When he was 22 he was ordered, along with nine others from the Baath Party, to assassinate …show more content…
Coalition troops invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003, to take power away from Hussein and free the Iraqi people. (6)
The U.S also thought Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) (4)
The Coalition succeeded in removing Iraqi troops from Kuwait
“On February 25, Saddam Hussein ordered his army to withdraw from Kuwait”. (1)
President George W. Bush was convinced that Saddam was still hiding WMDs after the Gulf War (1)
For his actions, “governments around the world called for Saddam Hussein to be put on trial to answer for his actions and those of his troops,” because “the actions of the Iraqis were war crimes.” (1)
Saddam’s actions and brutality eventually led to his capture and execution
Saddam eluded capture for eight months before he was actually taken hold of (9)
There was a 25 million dollar reward for information to where Saddam Hussein was