Like any other college student, Sadie Hoffmann has many unique things about her that make her one of a kind. She has experienced all sorts of things from traveling, all the way to how she chooses her meals. These different journeys have helped shape who Sadie is today and who she will become. Having the opportunity to sit down one on one and talk with Sadie, you will see first hand the things she has learned in her short, but eventful 21 years of her life. Sadie used to be a dancer for a long time, she danced to jazz and tap from kindergarten all the way till the eighth grade. Unfortunately she would get injured from time to time. For example, in the third grade she broke her ankle, then a few years later in the …show more content…
For the last two years, Sadie has been a vegetarian, which means she doesn't consume any meat but is still able to enjoy dairy products, like one of her favorites, cheese. This was not a hard transition for her, although she does miss chicken every now and then. So much so that she had a minor relapse when her grandfather bought her chicken nuggets from Wendy’s, without remembering she was a vegetarian. That was the last time she had chicken, and has remained vegetarian. Her boyfriend has even tried to adopt this lifestyle, but he was unsuccessful due to his love for meat. He is very accommodating when it comes to preparing meals or eating out. For example, when he is having an actual burger, he prepares her a veggie burger. While there has definitely been challenges in her choice of being a vegetarian, Sadie has kept up with it and she is proud of her choice.
Even though Sadie is a vegetarian, the irony of her occupation is that she works directly with lunch meat everyday. Sadie is a manager at Jimmy John's, where she has worked for four years and it is her only job she has ever had. When asked how she felt about working with meat and mixing it with her being a vegetarian she said, “It doesn’t affect me in any way, nor does it make me nauseous.” She enjoys her coworkers and the environment setting. Not everyone can say they enjoy their job, but the way Sadie expressed …show more content…
Tattoos are one of the most personal and sentimental symbols a person can get, and Sadie took advantage of that. She currently has nine tattoos, all of which have a great meaning to her. Her very first tattoo was a heart with an infinity sign behind her ear, symbolizing infinite love. She said, “Since my parents were separated since I was born, I wasn't sure if love could actually last. But I have hope that me and my boyfriend's will last a lifetime.” Her next tattoo was the spanish word “sonrisa” which means smile in english, that is located on her arm. When asked why she got it in spanish, Sadie explained “I always loved taking spanish class growing up which is why I got it in spanish. But mostly I got it because I am smiling constantly. It's a big part of who I am and it's my favorite feature. I'm smiling even when I'm mad sometimes; I can't help it. I use smiling to mask my emotions a lot too. I'm rarely not