What is a portfolio? A portfolio is a systematic collection of entries, over a period of time (e.g. from P4 GEP to P6 GEP).
An entry is typically made up of 3 parts: (i) an artefact, (ii) a commentary, and (iii) a reflection.
Please refer to the table below for more details.
|Artefact |Commentary* |Reflection** |
|Self-created: |Depends on the artefact. For example, if |Required |
|Based on a work created by the pupil e.g. a poem, a |the artefact created is a poem or a game, | |
|journal entry |a commentary is likely to be required. | |
| |However, if the artefact created is a | |
| |journal entry, a commentary may not be | |
| |necessary. | |
|Self-selected: |Required |Required |
|Based on an existing work e.g. news article. This | | |
|may be a single article or may be several articles | | |
|around the same theme. | | |
* The commentary may be combined with the reflection ** A reflection template will be provided to guide pupils
Required features Minimum of 2 entries. An entry should relate to one (or more) of the following areas: i) content knowledge and thinking, ii)