Australia has been experiencing increased rates of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) over the past ten years as a direct result of unsafe sex practises (ABS- Australian Social Trends, Jun 2012). These infections are some of the most common illnesses worldwide affecting the health and wellbeing of people infected, particularily women in regards to their fertility (Gerbase, Rowley, heymann et, al 1998). Northern Territory Health (2008) along with the other Australian states have identified that the age group at being most at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections is people aged between 15 and 29. This paper will establish whether a positive change and attitude in sexual health has been achieved and if the strategies endorsed in the program were effective in achieving these goals. It will also review whether improvements could be made. It will address the relevance of targeting young adults and adolescents and whether or not the program was justified by looking at current knowledge, awareness, beliefs and attitudes towards safe sex and health benefits. The Ottawa Charter defines health promotion as ‘the process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve their health’ (Talbot & Verrinder 2010 pp.265). The Charter for has ‘five action areas’ that offer guidance when implementing and developing strategies. This paper will also investigate and discuss the level of guidance the program adopted from these guidelines in its strategies to improve sexual health.
The Australian Government (2005) had identified the need for education and prevention programs as being essential intervention tools in the fight to reduce the spread of STIs amongst the 15 to 29 year old age group. The New South Wales Government lead a very successful “Safe Sex, No Regrets” campaign that was adopted by both the Western Australia and Northern Territory Governments to combat this growing
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