24 Bridge Street Bolton BL1 8AL
Email: volvoc70lady@hotmail.co.uk
Mobile: 07453013227
Personal Profile
I am a professional nurse.Previously working as a nurse in different military hospital in Pakistan. Highly motivated and goal oriented individual with a capability to effectively acquire and assimilate new skills and information. I have a capability to work hard in order to achieve goals and am quick to learn from others. I possess excellent verbal and written communication skills and am able to relate to a wide range of people, as a varied work experiences: in Nursing, Health and social care and as a volunteer. Looking for a job in Health related field where hard work is recognized,support and further training are given in order to progress in the field of nursing.
Relevant Experience
15 Years Working experience with Pakistan Army Working as Nurse from 1990 to 2005
Professional Courses.
Course Name Years Institute Name
1.Midwifery 1994-1995 Combine military Hosiptal Kharian Pakistan
2.Nusring 1990-1993 Combine military Hosiptal Kharian Pakistan
Teamwork: I have successfully undertaken various team projects within both academic and non-academic environments
Communication: Oral communication skills expressed in presentations and in talking to the general public. Writing skills developed with easy writing. I also class representative in my MSc final year. My Degree course greatly enhanced my written and verbal communication skills due to many presentations, assignments, posters, essays and projects required
Willing to Learn: I am keen to develop my understanding and acquire new skills through further education and employment
Computing Skills: Application: Microsoft office Suite, Internet Explorer and Several e-mail Packages and operating System: Window Vista, Window XP and Widow 7
Interests: In my leisure