Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people
1. The children act 1989 (England and Wales)
These acts were brought together to try and simplify the law that protects children and young people. They will tell people what their duties are and how they work when child abuse is suspected.
Crb checks- a crb check is process where applicants are checked for criminal records. This is done by the criminal records bureau.
e-safety - the Byron review(2008) is to protect children from exposure to harmful material on the internet.

Physical abuse is when a child is physically hurt . Hitting, beating, throwing, shaking are all physical abuse.
Emotional abuse is when a child is not given any love. A child maybe constantly blamed, sworn or shouted at, or even told that other children are better than them. Children may have delayed speech, low self-esteem, fear of a new situation and neurotic behaviour.
Sexual abuse is when a child is forced in to a sexual act. They may encouraged to look at sexual acts like pornography. They may get symptoms such as medical problem such as itching, pain in the genitals or venereal diseases. They may also become isolated or withdrawn.
Neglect is when a parent or carer doesn’t provide the child with proper food, shelter, clothing and care. Signs for neglect are constant hunger, poor hygiene and poor state of the clothing they are wearing
Bulling normally effects older children mainly at school. Bulling can occur from being a different race or because they look different. Bulling can be from name calling to kicking, punching, spitting and pushing them over.

If a child shares with you that they are being abused you should never keep the information to yourself as this may effect the Childs safety. You should share this information with your safeguarding officer. You shouldn’t share