June 2013
The European Association for Advanced Rechargeable Batteries
Safety of Lithium-ion batteries
This publication is prepared to provide information regarding the subject matter covered. The document has been prepared with the information available at the time of its publication. It is communicated with the understanding that the authors are not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services on issues covered by this report.
This publication has been prepared by RECHARGE aisbl.
The membership of RECHARGE includes suppliers of primary and secondary raw materials to the battery industry, rechargeable battery manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers, logistics partners and battery recyclers.
RECHARGE is following the continuously changing regulatory and legislative environment for rechargeable batteries and is a recognized expertise centre for advanced portable and industrial rechargeable battery technologies.
Avenue de Tervueren, 168. B-3.
B-1150 Brussels. Belgium.
Contacts. www.rechargebatteries.org C. Chanson. General Manager. cchanson@rechargebatteries.org
J-P Wiaux. Director General. jpwiaux@rechargebatteries.org
Copyright © 2013 by RECHARGE aisbl
Safety of Lithium-ion batteries
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Lithium-ion batteries: key features
3.1. Market and Applications
3.2. Chemistry and Technology
4 Lithium-ion battery hazards
4.1. The type of hazards
4.2. Root causes of a thermal run-away
4.3. Hazards effects/consequences
5. Lithium-ion battery safety management
5.1 Safety management approach
5.2 Safety standards
5.3. Safety management tools
6. Conclusions
Safety of Lithium-ion batteries
1. Executive Summary
Lithium-ion battery safety has raised a large interest in the public in the recent years. This battery technology has been finding new markets since the years 2000. It is