Janique Bohannon
My Safety Policy
My Safety Policy.
Field Trips
1.) There should always be two or more adults accompanying children on field trips just in case of an emergency. Since the children will be in a public area they will need more supervision
They will need supervision when using the bathroom or when partaking in certain activities.
2.)The parents of children who are attending the field trips have to give written consent that their child will be going on the field trip. They will need to give an accurate answer on whether or not their child will be going or not so that we can be prepared with the proper staff to child ratio.
3.)Children who have serious illnesses will need a written doctors not to be able to attend the field trip and we will need proper medication for the child just in case of an emergency. That also includes but is not limited to: proper emergency contact information and medications for the child.
4.)The children will need to have on the appropriate attire for the field trip that they are going on. We will issue a t- shirt to every child that will attend the field trip and that will help us stay together in a group and identify who is with us. The children will need to wear sneakers on most occasions unless instructed otherwise.
5.)We will send home letters to the parents one week prior to the field trip to make sure that all parents are aware of where, when, how much and certain important details of the fields trips that we go on.
Administering Medication
1.)When we administer medication to children there must be a written note from a doctor explaining the situation in its entirety.
2.)When administering medication, the director of the center must take the child to their office and give them the medication.
3.)Whoever administers the medication needs to know that there is a written form that