Bret Niemeyer
Abstract—The purpose of this paper is to provide you with safety precautions, lab procedures and reference materials to equip you with useful information in the computer electronics and technology fields. The topic is not complete, however it should introduce concepts and provide a framework of where to obtain important information for your safety and well-being.
shut down of instruments.
I. INTRODUCTION HIS DOCUMENT examines safety precautions related to technology in preparing you to add value in the global economy. The rate at which a society’s technology advances is determined by the relative rate of its ability to process information. [1] Since the invention of the transistor, this technology has doubled it productive capacity as the same price point since the 1970’s. It seems no other technology past or present has matched this performance in the free market by providing us with new products and process that change the way in which we live, technology determines what constitutes a need, and therefore the nature of consumer demand. An approximate graphical representation of this phenomenon unique to the rapid innovations cycles of the semiconductor industry as a whole is described by Moore’s Law. [2] See figure 1 for details. Since the cost of replacing valued employees is enormous, creating a foundation of safety and trust is essential to having a successful career and / or a successful business. Safety, personal safety, workbench safety, servicing and handling of equipment and proper lab procedures are critical to cultivating excellent work habits. [3] The safety rules for a laboratory depend on the kind of lab, the materials and procedures used. There are many different safety procedures starting with the environment, structures and facilities, to the laboratories, pilot lines, and manufacturing lines of specific product lines. The ones to use depend on what activities, sampling, analysis,
References: [1] [2] P.Z. Pilzer, Unlimited Wealth, New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 1990, pp. 38. B. Schaller, “The Origin, Nature, and Implications of “Moore’s Law” - the Benchmark of Progress in Semiconductor Electronics”, Presentedin September 1996. [Online]. Available: law.html T. Pyzdek, Quality Engineering Bible, Quality Publishing, Tucson, AZ, 1996 [Online].Available:”PPTMoresLaswai.jpg J.N. Fordemwalt, Microelectronics Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Arizona, 1985. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Workers deaths by electrocution. NIOSH Publication No. 98-131. 2009 Available at: [Online] Available: RG-59.jpg, Coaxial Cable Control of Hazardous Energy Lockout/Tagout, 29 CFR 1910.147 [Online] Available: [Online] Available: http:// R.Stim, Patent, Copyright & Trademark, 8th Edition, NOLO, Berkeley, CA, 2006, pgs. 52, 72, 88 [Online] Available: http:/// M.A. Lechter, Protecting Your #1 Asset, Warner Business Books Inc., New York, NY, 2001, pgs. 91 & 92. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]