Mr. Fred Rodgers, a great children television actor, once said,“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me. ” (Fred Rodgers) Saint John Paul II certainly portrayed this quote well. The wonderful man had the ability to stay alive and faithful to others during World War II while his father got sick. He was able to spread the good news of the Lord to countless people. He made extreme changes in the political government that changed the lives of so many. He helped couples have a stronger relationship. Saint John Paul came to the rescue when children of all ages were struggling with hardships. (A&E Television Networks) Everyone should read and comprehend what made Saint John Paul II a hero to so many. Saint …show more content…
He established a program called "World Youth Day" in 1985 for young people to gather and for John Paul to understand their thoughts. This is a day that many people look forward to. He also did different events with them. Saint John Paul II, when he was younger, took kids hiking and kayaking. Sometimes they would all go camping. Throughout his life he helped children understand the word of God in a more enjoyable way. In the beginning of the essay there is a quote that states, "Anyone who does anything in his life to help a child is a hero to me." Saint John Paul is an example to this quote because he believed that children should have someone to talk about their issues as well as adults. He allowed any kid to talk to him about any problem they had. At one of his meetings with children he told them, "You are a thought of God, you are a heartbeat of God. To say this is like saying that you have a value which in a sense is infinite, that you matter to God in your completely unique individuality." This saying sunk into a lot of young people's heads and helped them over come every hardship they ever faced. Fred Rodgers and others believed he was a hero for helping kids and being a teacher of faith in a child's