Sal is a fictional young writer in New York City based on author Jack Kerouac. The novel follows Sal and Dean's adventures across America. Sal is often seen as an onlooker of Dean's exploits. Dean is adventurous and reckless in his adventures. Sal admires Dean a great deal for his personality and actions. Dean is a womanizer and throughout the novel, he gets married three times and has kids. Sex is an important and necessary part of Dean's life and he often tries to set Sal up with different women. Sal on the …show more content…
other hand just got out of a divorce and is trying to find his ideal woman who is pure and innocent. With Dean as the driver, the two friends set off on their adventures across the country. The novel is broken down into their five trips. At times they drive across country in a car and at other times they hitchhike. Sal fulfills his dream of traveling west thanks to Dean. This novel portrays the real life road trips of Kerouac and his friend Neil Cassity.
Kerouac is represented by the character Sal and Cassity is the character Dean. The two took five trips across the country in a time span of three years just like the novel shows of Sal and Dean.
This novel is told form the first person perspective of Kerouac. The novel is told in the form of a conversational story. Kerouac is telling his readers about his own adventures. The text and events in the novel move at a fast pace as Sal and Dean rush across America. Kerouac found the faster pace to be more exciting and entertaining than slowly telling the story in painfully slow description. Instead, he told his story as he lived