The Sales and Inventory System is creating a web-based system. Advanced system on sales provide more reliable recording of sales of the company with comparison to its actual cost. Sales and inventory makes the company more productive, efficient and convenient to the company and its client. The system is meant to help the people show to their customers more relevant items, hoping to expedite and increase the sales and most importantly to increase the profit of the company. With the aid of sales and inventory systems, management can easily make consistent, reliable, and timely decisions. A computerized information system is far superior to a manual system when it comes to accessing files, as the speed at which this can be done is far quicker. If an employee's records are needed, these can be accessed in a matter of seconds, simply by searching for the relevant person on screen. All the information needed can be stored on a single file, as opposed to having reams of paper and various files for each employee that would require sifting through to access in a manual information system.
Confidentiality, files kept on a computer based information system. It can be password protected, so that only the authorized people can view the files. In a manual information system, the only way to keep files confidential would be in a locked cabinet. The speed at which these files can be accessed is far quicker even when using a password protection system on a computer.
Space Needed. All files can be kept on computer, taking up far less space, than having to house filing cabinets, shelves and drawers to keep track of paperwork. A computer accounting system for example would house all delivery notifications, invoices, purchase orders, and payment details in small files on the computer, whereas in a manual system the information would be needed to be kept in separate files in a certain order, for them to be easily accessible
Basically a manual-based information system