Assignment 1 SALES AND MARKETING 2013
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Assignments must be typed/written/either typed or written – the important measure is that they are easy to read (legible). 2. All work must be adequately and correctly referenced. 3. No more than 25% of the assignment may be copied from the original source(s) used, even if referenced correctly. 4. Begin each section on a new page. 5. Follow all instructions on the assignment cover sheet. 6. This is group assignment – if done as a group the group may not exceed 4 members and all will get the same mark. 7. Make a copy of your assignment before handing it in. TOPIC: How Red Bull invented the “cool” factor LU1 - LU 7 Read the enclosed case study and then answer the questions that follow.
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Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management 2013
Case Study How Red Bull invented the “cool” factor Feb 6, 2008 By Clark Turner It’s one of today’s most contemporary brands associated with some of the most exciting sporting events around the world and has helped to define the “cool” factor for brands. So, it may be a surprise to some that the Red Bull brand is almost 25-years-old. The packaging and product has changed little since launch but brand vision and strategy has seen the company evolve to become a dominant player in the energy drinks market. Red Bull 2007 sales figures showed the brand’s continued growth in the UK energy drink market, with end of year sales of 329.5 million cans; an increase of 14%, or over 40 million cans, year on year. Despite a slowdown in soft drinks sales overall, the energy drinks sector itself has continued to thrive, growing by 22% in the off trade year on year. Red Bull has a 27% share, according to Nielsen “We’re very fortunate, our product does something. It’s an energy drink and it works,” UK