Sales Planning & Operations
Table of Content Task One iv 1.1 Go- Nuts With Do-nuts (GNWD) iv 1.1.2 GNWD Cup Cake Concept iv 1.1.3 Cupcake Promotion Objectives v 1.1.4 Mixing Advertising & Personal Selling vi 1.2 Customer Behavior & Personal Selling vii 1.2.1 Advantages of understanding customer behavior vii 1.3 Environment & Managerial Forces viii 1.3.1 Managerial Forces viii 1.3.2 Environmental Factors ix 1.4 Two Types of Personal Selling x 1.4.1 Professional Sales People x 1.4.2 Support Sales People x Task Two xi 2.1 Sales Process for Personal Selling xi 2.1.1 Prospecting xi 2.1.2 Pre approach and planning xii 2.1.3 Approaching the client xii 2.1.4 Indentifying Client Needs xiii 2.1.5 Presenting the Product xiii 2.1.6 Handling Objections xiii 2.1.7 Gaining Commitment xiv 2.1.8 Follow-up and Keeping Promises xiv Task Three xv 3.1 Sales Strategies for La Vola Blanche xv 3.2 Corporate Objectives and Marketing Objectives xvi 3.3 Sales Strategy xvi 3.3.1 Strategy 1: Hire well experienced, reputed sales professionals in the industry xvi 3.3.2 Strategy 2: Build relationship with existing customers and potential customers xvii 3.4 The Organizational Chart and Sales & Marketing Structure xviii 3.4.1 Organization Chart xviii 3.4.2 Sales & Marketing Division Structure xix 3.5 Human Resource Functions of a Sales Manager xx 3.5.1 Recruitment and Selection xx 3.5.2 Motivating and Remunerating xx 3.5.3 Training xxi 3.5.4 Performance Appraisals xxi Task Four xxii 4.1 Nature of Sales Tasks/ Skills & Selling Environment xxii 4.1.1 Selling a Service xxii 4.1.2 Selling to a public authority xxii 4.1.3 Selling Over the Telephone xxiii 4.2 International Selling xxiii 4.2.1 Role of Agents and Distributors in International Selling xxiv 4.3 Trade Exhibitions xxiv 5.0. Conclusion xxv 6.0. References xxvii
List of Figures Figure 1: Eight Steps of Personal
References: Websites
* Anonymous (2009) Sales Process [online] Available at:
[Accessed on 16th October 2010]
* Siriban, R (2006) Understanding Telemarketing Advantage [online] Available at:
* Anonymous (2010) International Trade [online] Available at:
[Accessed on 24th October 2010]
* Anonymous (2010) The Benefits of Exhibitions and Trade Shows [online] Available at: [Accessed on 24th October 2010]
* Luff, N (2010) Poussard vs Spiers [online] Available at:
[Accessed on 21st August 2010]
* Karen, B. (2009). What is a "professional" salesperson?. Available: Last accessed 18 Jan 2012.