The word Promotion, originates from the Latin word ‘Promovere’. The meaning is “to move forward” or “to push forward”. The aim of production is sales. Sales and promotion are two different words and sales promotion is the combination of these two words. sales promotion is one among the three pillars of promotional mix. The other two pillars are personal selling and advertising. Sales promotion is the connecting link between personal selling and advertising.
According to DAVIS, ”Sales promotion represents those marketing efforts that are supplementary in nature ,are conducted for a limited period of time and seek to induce buying” CHOOSING A PUSH OR PULL STRATEGY OF SALES PROMOTION:
a)PUSH STRATEGY: Producer->Distributer->Wholesaler->Retailer->Consumer. |
b)PULL STRATEGY: Producer<->Wholesaler<->Retailer<->Consumer. | FACTORS INFLUENCING SALES PROMOTION:
1)Target market.
2)Nature of product and service.
3)Stages of PLC.
4)Budget for promotion.
TOOLS OR KINDS OF SALES PROMOTION: Sales Promotion can be divided into three kinds:
1)Consumer sales promotion
2)Dealer sales promotion
3)Sales force promotion
1)CONSUMER SALES PROMOTION: Activities aimed at reaching the consumer at his home or in his office may be called Consumer sales promotion .It is aimed to inform or educate the consumers and to stimulate the consumers. Success depends on consumers’ co-operation. The following are the various sales promotion schemes used at the consumers’ level:
a)SAMPLING: Free samples are given to consumers to increase their interest in the product. Sampling gives a chance to the consumers to compare the product with other substitutes. Samples are given to the doctors by the medical representatives. The samples may be delivered door to door, sent by mail