Description of the Proposed System
3.1 General Objective of the System Developing a Computerized Grading System for JHCSC Molave-ESU
3.2 Specific Objectives of the System Specifically the developed system aims to provide an quick access n submitting grades and convenience to the students; the main thoughts for its adaptability were the following:
To provide a system with a user friendly interface;
-To provide the staff obtain a convenient and hassle free services;
-To provide and improve the students transaction process.
-To provide solution on the problem encountered during the course of the research;
To provide JHCSC Molave-ESU with today’s modernization; and
3.3 Scopes and Limitations Scopes:
1. List of grades of the students;
2. Provides quick access of submitting grades by the registrar;
3. Students info; and
4. List of subjects;
1. Enrolment System;
2. Billing System; and
3. Employees payroll system;
3.4 Charts, Tables and Diagrams
HIPO (Hierarchical Input Process Output) diagram reveals the flow of the process of the system in which it shows the functions of each module and give the user an idea.
Data Flow Diagram reveals the relationships among and between the various components in a program or system.
Entity Relationship Diagram illustrates the relationships between entities in a database.
Context Diagram provides a visual model of the interactions between the system and the outside entities that interface with the solution.
3.4.1. Level of Users
LOG IN for the system administrator’s accessibility.
Add subject, students, school year, year level, course and grades;
Edit subject students, school year, year level, course and grades;
Delete subject, students, school year, year level, course and grades;
View subject, students, school year, year level, course and grades;
Resets inputted data.
Revokes inputted data. Users