With increase in need of technology, information and communication technology is a fast developing field. Beau! Salon Management is a web-based appointment scheduling and management software solution that is designed specifically for the needs of the beauty and wellness industry as varied utilization of various client oriented functions to manage the customer segment of any Salon at our fingertips. Maintaining customer profiles
Booking hairdresser and extended service options
Maintain transaction records and estimate generation One of the best PHP frameworks is used to build interoperable, agile application.
PHP is a scripting language designed for developing dynamic web pages. While its purpose was server-side scripting, it has grown to incorporate a command line interface capability and can be used to develop client-side Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications as well.
Beau! has been given three-tiered architecture which works on browser, server and database system in a linear manner. After analysis of the existing system, it was observed that there …show more content…
Considering the Salon management problem is properly understood and the feasibility study of the mentioned product is done, then the purpose of the study is not to solve the salon management problem but to make sure if the management problem is worth solving.
Chapter 4 Data