The poem entitled “English B”, by Langston Hughes begins with the speaker’s English teacher instructing the class to do a writing assignment, claiming that any piece written from the heart will automatically be true. As the speaker is walking home he wonders if the assignment is as easy and simple to write about oneself and it…
In Salvation Hughes tells of his confusing yet life changing event that occurred in his church. Hughes sat in church expecting Jesus to come into his life, but Jesus never came. When Langston alone sat on the bench and everyone crying and praying for him, he decides to get up and pretend to be saved. That night he cries for hours regretting what he did. Now that Hughes grew up he now can tell his story of that day in the church. Langston tells of his childhood experience and conveys into an adult understanding by using several strategies. These strategies consist of his naiveté, exaggeration, and sentence structure.…
Throughout the life of John Robertson, his family and friends played a major role in his life. At the age of 18, having just returned from the war fighting for the Confederates, John was starting a new life. He called himself a seeker. “But it was not riches he sought nor was it adventure. Although he was only eighteen, he had seen, as a rebel soldier and a home guardsman, all of the excitement and danger he cared to see. What he thirsted for now was spiritual fulfillment”(Ash 47). So on New Year’s Day he went to a Baptist church not far away from his aunt and uncles house. What he found when he went there was a preacher who was talking about baptism, not what young John wanted to hear. No, what he wanted to hear was a message that would change his life and help him get to know Jesus. Therefore, for the rest of the service John zoned himself out and sat quietly. The next day, he and his friend George Whillock had to mend a carriage wheel that had gotten broken on the way up from Roane Country. After repairing the wheel he went to see some old friends, the Browns. “He had lived with this family on their little farm for a time in late 1863 and early 1864, while he was employed in…
Salvation story was wrote by Langston Hughes. It is based on a true story of a twelve years old boy that grow up in a family with deep faith and religious beliefs, which were inherited by him. Usually, the boy went to the church to listen sermon, pray, and sing. His Internal contradictions between the decision to be saved and the reality were important facts to learn a new lesson of life.…
He moves on to beg God for mercy (line 9) and then questions his motivations and existence, and why he, Douglass, must face so many adversities (line 10.)…
When revising an essay it is alway great to take a break from your essay before you revise you paper. Remember to seek the opinion of your classmates and allow your classmates to revise your essay. A great way to check your content in your essay is to state your thesis in a sentence. Remember, when revising your essay that your thesis is clear. You should make sure you have enough example to support your topic. When revising your essay remember to look for changes that may make your essay more interesting to your audience. Alway remember to follow the guidelines of your instructor, when you are revising your essay. Remember to check the word count and length of your essay while revising your essay. You should make sure each sentence is a complete sentences. While revising your essay, you should also check for grammar issues. Remember, when revising your essay to avoid using words such as slang, contraction and jorgen. After you have followed these twelve steps, It is alway good to a least proofread your essay on more time.…
Langston Hughes’ story “Salvation” is one that raises many questions about his life and childhood experiences. Hughes patterns this story to portray the pressures that caused his faith to be lost. Hughes sat on the mourners’ bench waiting for God to save him but, due to these pressures, he chose to stand and pretend that he found his salvation. Pressure is the influences of outside sources that convince you to conform. Hughes undoubtedly felt pressured. He felt pressured to find truth. Hughes ironically lost his faith in God because of an extreme environment, high expectations, and an overly passionate caretaker.…
Hughes started crying at the end of the story because he lied to everyone in the church, saying that he had seen Jesus and he had been saved. Hughes was the last “young lamb” on the mourners’ bench, waiting to be saved from sin. He was told many things would happen to him and that he could hear and feel himself being saved by Jesus. When he was kneeling on the mourners’ bench, his mind and soul was blank, and he felt nothing.…
Nicholas Lemann's book, Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War, is a great book that describes in detail the pain and destruction that many southern blacks were put through in the late 1800s. Adelbert Ames is the main character in this book and the chief protagonist. Ames is Mississippi's reconstruction governor as he was elected in a land slide election because of all the support he had from ex-slaves. Once he was in office, Ames had many changes intact for the state of Mississippi. His main plan was to create a well structured public school system to help out all citizens that suffered with poverty and illiteracy.…
write a critical essay in the story "Thank you,M'am" by Langston hughes of literature you have read from the particular perspective of statement that is provided for you in the critical lens.In your essay, provide a valid interpretation of the statement, agreeor disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it, and support your opinion using specific references to appropriate literary elements from this work of literature.…
Simply put, salvation refers to the deliverance of suffering or danger. It can be said to correlate with the idea of self-preservation. The Bible makes mention of the term “salvation” in respect to physical deliverance from danger or suffering. I find myself thinking about Paul, and his deliverance from a prison (Philippians 1:19). At other times, the term “salvation” refers to spiritual deliverance. As in when Paul was witnessing to the jailer and explaining what he had to do in order to be saved from damnation (Acts 16:30-31). This is very different from physical deliverance.…
Langston Hughes efficiently uses rhetorical devices to satirize religion. The story displays religious restoration that the author attended at thirteen years old. By the second sentence, Hughes explains that he wasn't "really saved", which sets a risky tone toward religion. The dishonesty of religion is highlighted throughout the narrative both by displaying the inconsistency between the child's approach of the religious restoration and the adult’s approach. Hughes' choice of language and syntax helps to form his sarcastic and ironic tone toward religion, returning numerous times to examples of the fanfare correlated with church and the excessive reactions of those who attend.…
Hughes starts off his essay using apparent irony by saying he “was saved from sin when…
Hughes was a young and impressionable boy who wanted "salvation" and to see Jesus so badly that when he couldn't see Jesus and the others could, he found himself in a position of disappointing himself as well as others in his community. Hughes "saved" himself by pretending to see Jesus. He was saved not by his love for Jesus like the congregation had probably hoped, but instead by his desire to conform, obey and please. What would have happened if he did not step forward and claim to be saved ? Regardless, it is evident that he was frightened by rejection. Because of his fear of rejection, Hughes fell into his own trap of trying to please everyone, and instead met the needs of nobody because of his deception of all the other people attending church that day, not to mention himself.…
One of the main reason I agreed with Hughes was mainly for his views on culture. I would have to say that it is a big part of our identity and we must honor it to be who we truly are. He brought light to the topic of racism that most would just look away at given his era. Another aspect you would be able to view this from would have to be how empowering many of his words came across as. The essay gave off a feeling of empowerment somewhat like to reach your full potential you must acknowledge this aspect of yourself. That was mainly the reason why I felt more pulled to Hughes…