3. The name of the central character, together with a description of the character 's…
Yesterday afternoon, the church began to burn and continued throughout last night. Unfortunately there was children inside the church. Then Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade were close to the church and they heard screaming from inside the church. They went into window of the burning church to search for children. They rescued all children and took safety place before the roof crumbles.…
We are introduced to narrator, Grant Wiggins. He is a teacher at a church that was converted into a school. The story is located outside of Bayonne, Louisiana and the characters sometimes travel to Bayonne. It is still extremely racist and even though the blacks here have some rights,…
1.) The 1st major event In Northup 's life was when 2 strangers came up to him, Brown and Hamilton, who said that they have heard about Northup 's violin skills and want him to join a circus with them. He agrees and doesn 't tell his wife where he is going because he figures he will be home before she is. The two men seem very nice and watch out for what is best for Northup. They tell him that they are going to be traveling into a slave country and he should get his free papers. He thinks that is very kind and gets the papers and they go on their way. One night after having a few drinks, Northup starts feeling very thirsty. He drinks a lot of water but the thirst comes right back. He doesn 't recall what happened after that but he though he was taken to a doctor. He woke up on a wooden bench in a room by himself without his belongings and chained to the floor. He finds out he is in the house of a notorious slave trader named Burch. He proclaims he is a free man but the more he tries to convince Burch of that the more he gets beat almost to death. He is then taken to New Orleans; to Freeman 's slave pen where he is told his new name is Platt. While at the slave pen, Platt got a very bad case of small pox. He also got an opportunity to show his talent of violin playing. He gets bought by William Ford and is taken to the Great Pine Woods. Ford is a very kind man and Platt works very hard to try to please his new master. He came up with an idea to use rafts to transport lumber, which earned him the title the "smartest nigger in the Pine Woods." Then a man by the name of Tibeats came to the plantation and Platt was assigned to work with him. Ford 's brother was in some financial trouble so William Ford gave Tibeats to Platt to pay off the debt. After this, Platt and Tibeats go to William 's brother 's plantation to finish a project Tibeats had started. One day Tibeats instructs Platt to get nails from Mr.…
Who is the central character? That is, on whom does the story focus? What do you learn about her? What are her circumstances of life? Why does she explain her actions as she does?…
It was in the middle of the afternoon and the local school had come up to the Jay Mountain Church for a field trip. The church had caught on fire during their trip. Two boys hopped out of a T-Bird and rushed over. They tapped a man’s shoulder, asking what was going on. Then they suddenly bolted into the church, breaking the front window. After interviewing the man that they had talked to, he said and quote, “ We overheard someone yelling in the back of the church and those brave kids ran in to save them.” Everyone ran back to the back of the church. Suddenly, the kid with the short, blonde hair lowered all of the kids down and jumped out. The other kid that was in the T-Bird slapped his back because there was fire on the back of his jacket.…
1. What is revealed in the first seven paragraphs about the characters of Goodman Brown and Faith?…
---. “Park Bench.”The Compact Bedford Introduction toLiterature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 8th ed. Boston. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009. 924. Print.…
5. Where is the setting(s)? What descriptive details does Hughes use to sketch in the setting?…
Part one: Character Identification: Describe who the characters are and what relationship they share with the main character.…
Walker, Carolyn P. “Liberating Christ: Sargeant’s Metamorphosis in Langston Hughes’s ‘On the Road,’” Black American Literature Forum 25.4 (1991):745-52. JSTOR. Wayne State U Lib., Detroit, MI. 27 Nov 2007 .…
(1) Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea: An Autobiography. New York: Hill and Wang, 1963. Print…
As a young boy Langston loved his aunt he would do anything even if it meant lying that he saw Jesus and the light to be saved. He knew that it had a lot of meaning to her because she spoke of it days before. When Langston wouldn’t go up to be saved, his aunt was crying and he couldn’t take the disappointment.…
Salvation is a story from The Big Sea, which was written by Langston Hughes, an African American poet, playwright and fiction writer. He was one was the earliest innovators of the then new literary art form, jazz poetry. This is a story that took place during the author’s childhood, when he was going on thirteen. This story is about how he lost his faith as a child when during a revival meeting he remained the lone “young lamb” that did not see Jesus. In the end, the young Langston decided to deceive the whole congregation by pretending that Jesus had come to him. Hughes shows us how the thoughts and actions of the people around us can affect our actions, and how complete trust and innocence can result in a complete lost of faith. Hughes uses vivid imagery and simple language to convey a believable child’s point of view.…
“Salvation” was written by Langston Hughes. This story is about when Hughes going on thirteen, he was saved from sin. However, his not really saved. Church had had a special meeting for children. The meeting was about to bring the young sinner who had not yet been brought to Jesus.…