Nipat Itthipratheep
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Some people fear that if gay people are allowed to marry then it will undermine the very institution of marriage. This however is not true, as the whole concept of marriage is that two people who love each other bond together forever. A large percentage of straight marriages up to 40% end in divorce, but in gay marriages it is as low as 5.4%. Marriage is suppose to be forever, and lower divorce rates means more successful marriages.…
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The dynamics of marriage have changed though; the definition of what marriage is coming into question. Is marriage only between a man and a woman? My personal opinion is that anyone should be able to marry, but the best design for a family is one of a man and woman. Many would object to this strict definition, but the impact of a child raised by a gay or lesbian couple must be taken into account. Bulling is a reality and children with different situations at home are easier to fall prey to it. Some might also have an issue with a gay or lesbian raising a child of the same sex. These same people would argue they would offer a very unorthodox home that condones same sex relationships. Another issue that has faced families in the last few decades is that of income. Women in our society have more freedom than ever before. Women now more often than not account for an equal share of the household income, making raising a family more difficult. In the past women were only expected to raise the children, but now bringing home an income is also necessary. The ways we view and have changed marriage today will forever shape our society for generations to come…
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Marriage has always been between man and woman which is the usual way of starting a family and future in our society and other societies around the world. There is no evidence in human history that gay marriage existed so since gay marriage is new and unusual culture to our society it should not be accepted because we don’t want to mess up our culture and somehow ruin our tradition on family values.…
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For the past thousand years, marriage has been recognized as the social union between a man and a woman. In most cultures across the globe, homosexuality was viewed with disdain and marriages between same sex couples were forbidden. Same sex marriages should not be supported because of the negative effects they will create on families and society.…
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My personal views on this issue changed a few years ago when watching the TV broadcast and something came up about the right for gays to marry. Previously I was personally indifferent but felt that marriage was as much a religious institution as a civil institution. After all, most marriages are performed by clergy and the majority are in religious settings. I felt that civil union met the needs of gays so why offend the religions? Then I saw an older woman interviewed and she had explained that she and her partner had been waiting 30 or 40 year for this day. They have lived together as a family and wanted to be married. That's about as successful as a married couple can be, still wanting to be married after all that time! And I thought, all Americans are entitled to their own pursuit of happiness. Gays who buy into a system of family values should have the same family rights as others. I also used to get grossed out when I hear same sex marriage, but then I look at Ellen DeGeneres, for example, she is the sweetest the person that could be. Opinions about same sex marriage crossed out so many times and places as well as thru out the years. Many say that time is changing and over the years people slowly will accept the gay marriage.…
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Individuals against gay marriage insist the act is indecent, and permitting same-sex marriage will raise the separation rates. In addition, those against gay marriage imply that gays and lesbians are prone to spoil the long-standing practice marriage between a man and a woman. A further contention displayed by the defenders of gay marriage originates from the conviction that the real motivation behind marriage is reproduction. Gay marriage does not reinforce this conviction and should not wed, adopt or bring up kids.…
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Marriage is legally defined as a union between a man and a women unified until death do them part. The bible describes marriage as a sacred bond between a man and a woman before God. Therefore, same sex marriage is not applicable legally nor religiously in the United States. It’s meaning remains clear the same in both legal and religious definitions. I do not agree with same sex marriage because it confuses children and it complicates government laws. I do agree that they have a right to live happy and together, but not legally married. The author Thomas B. Stoddard, “Gay Marriages: Make Them Legal” agrees to same sex marriage and belive that they have same legal rights as everyone else.…
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Gay Marriage has quickly become a significant topic in today’s society. Leading to many different discussions of homosexuals having the rights to marry. Most people are opposed to gay marriage, stating it will interfere with the Bible’s concept of marriage which is one man and one woman (Genesis 2.3). Also stating how it can interfere with the reproduction of mankind. Everyone in our society in entitled to happiness and should be entitled to equal rights.…
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Gay marriage and religion go hand and hand with each other. Religion is one of the main reasons that people are having a debate over gay marriage. Even with laws being passed, some churches still will not allow same-sex couples to be marry into their religion. Churches that are against gay marriage can have a choice to deny the people their right to be marry, but by doing so they will get punish with tax exempts and that their choice. Religions or churches should not interfere with the rights people to have when they get married. In the future, maybe all religions will be able to accept gay…
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Katha Pollitt, writer of “What’s Wrong with Gay Marriage?” depicts several reasons why people oppose to same sex marriage and among them, the most controversial reason is religion. Even though societies may think legalizing gay marriage will provide established homes for children who are left in orphanages and add financial earnings to state, marriage as it is, is between a man and a woman. Objection to gay marriage are based on religious prejudgment because a marriage of a man and a women is sacred and the approval of same sex marriage will disrupt the sacral institution, in fact, surveys demonstrate an outstanding connection of religiosity with opposition to gay marriage. Gay marriage is mismatch with religious beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups. The Catholic Church, Church of Jesus Christ, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Presbyterian Church, and other churches like these all oppose to same sex marriage. The expansion of same sex marriage may lead to churches being forced to wed couples and children being taught in school that same sex marriage is the same as opposite sex marriage.…
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There are many arguments against same-sex marriage. “We have to protect traditional marriage.” “It is unnatural.” “What about the effects on the children they raise?” These arguments are not very strong. There is nothing wrong with same-sex marriage, and it is not a threat to society.…
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Gay marriage has slowly become a social norm amongst individuals of today’s society. Initially, this leads to the discussion of homosexuals having the right to marry in society. Ultimately, conflict from the opposing position of ‘against’ gay marriage may arise that gay marriage can destroy the concept of marriage and mock the importance of the bible. In reference to this; everyone in society has the right to marry regardless of gender, thus it should be socially acceptable. However, this is why it is significant to discuss both sides of the argument, regardless homosexuals do not…
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One view on gay marriage is the protection of one’s unalienable rights. Declaration of Independence states, “all men are created equal… with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happinesss”. (par. 2). Supporters of gay marriage believe that marriage is included…
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In regards to the controversy within religion, the church and its teachings have a lot to do with the negative opinions of gay marriage. Some religions that are against gay marriage include Catholics, Seventh-Day Adventists, and Mormons. There are many statements in The Bible that…
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Some individuals label gay marriage as weakening the definition and respect of the institution of marriage. The issue I see with that statement is the definition they are referring to should not only be stereotyped to same sex couples but to all couples. There are a lot of marriages that end in divorce due to unforeseen circumstances along with marriages based on lies including cheating, money, and fame. These are the reasons the definition of marriage has weakened and lost its respect, not same sex marriages.…
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