Managing and Organising for Human Resources
Sample Examination Paper
Instructions to Candidates
You should answer TWO questions from the choices below. You must answer one question from each section i.e. you must NOT answer more than one question from the same section.
Please write the name of your seminar tutor on the front of your answer booklet.
Section A: Central Issues for Managing and Organising
1. To what extent is it important to include the applicant’s perspective in the process of recruitment and selection?
2. Critically explore why performance management is a difficult process from both the perspective of the employer and employee.
3. What opportunities and challenges does the ‘boundaryless career’ pose for individuals and organisations?
Section B: Contemporary Concerns for Managing and Organising
4. Is there a downside to downsizing?
5. Do dominant theories of leadership, such as transformational leadership theory, concentrate too much on the leader as an individual?
6. Outline Murphy’s (1988) model of stress intervention and provide examples of interventions at the various levels. In practice what issues arise in managing stress in organisations?
7. Identify some of the policies and practices that organisations offer in respect of work-life balance. What issues do organisations need to take account of to ensure the effectiveness of work-life balance initiatives?
8. Identify the stakeholders to whom managers might owe moral and financial duties. Critically discuss which of these stakeholders is considered the most important.
9. Critically examine the impacts of workplace bullying upon the individual and organisation. What possibilities exist to manage bullying in the workplace?