I. Objectives
After the lesson, the students will be able to: share to the class about their traits and characteristics as part of their self-discovery. appreciate and respect themselves and other people's unique traits and characteristics. make a personal commitment on improving oneself.
II. Subject Matter (Knowing Oneself)
Johari Window was named for its creators, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, is a useful tool in understanding our own selves which can help us live more effective lives. The four panes of the Johari Window represent the four parts of our Self.
My Public Self is what I show others about me.
My Blind Spots are parts of me others see but I do not.
My Hidden Self is what I choose to hide from others.
My Unconscious Self are parts of me I do not see nor do others.
We all have these four parts of our Self, as shown in the Johari Window diagram, but their respective sizes vary in each of us.
Discussions Before Group Dynamics Activity and Evaluation
A more fully aware person has a large Public Self with the other three areas small in comparison. This person understands why he acts the way he does, and open with others because he has minimized his Blind Spots and Hidden Self while working to bring the Unconscious Self to greater awareness. He is in touch with his needs, feelings and values - his True Self - the source of his wisdom and identity.
A generally unaware person has a small Public Self with the other three areas large in comparison. This person acts in ways he does not understand because outdated decisions and defense mechanisms have caused him to develop substantial Blind Spots. In addition, he is guarded and less genuine with others because he has developed a significant Hidden Self as a defense against his own deep-seated shame. He has disconnected himself from his True Self.
Overwhelming emotional pain,