Project Title: SQUASH ICE CREAM Researchers: Maria Corazon Dagatan Gladys Rimando Roxanne Marie Estigoy Edison Cuello Jr. Squash is a kind of vegetable that is commonly raised throughout the year in abundance. Because the squash is commonly raised throughout the year, the researcher decided to study squash as ice cream. The results revealed that Treatment 1, considering the three indicators, palatability, taste, and texture, had the highest computed AWM among the three treatments. Thus, T1 is claimed as highly acceptable. The two-population means, which were the independent samples, were subjected to t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that there is a significant difference in the level of acceptability of the Squash Ice cream and the commercial ice cream in terms of palatability, taste and texture. The following were the conclusions based on the results and findings of the study. 1. Results showed that Treatment 1 yielded the best ice cream. 2. Squash Ice cream is a nutritive source of ice cream; it is acceptable in terms of palatability, taste, and texture. 3. There was a significant difference in the level of acceptability of the three treatments. 4. There was a significant difference in the level of acceptability of Squash Ice cream with the commercial ice cream in terms of palatability, taste, and texture.
From the conclusions, recommendations were made. 1. Further study should be done in the chemical substances present in squash flesh as an additive in Ice cream. 2. Other researchers can continue this study for further improvements and serve as their basis for future researchers related to their