Personal Introduction : Good Afternoon Motivational Statement : tonight, I'm going to provide you with some information that can literally save your life. Overview : The nature of a serious problem that we are facing and then, I'll cover. What has been done by city officials and law enforcement so Far to resolve this problem and finally, I'll discuss. What we can do now to protect ourselves from the threat this problem poses I. Body The problem that we are facing is the deadly intersection of H Street an Laurel Avenue. This intersection is dangerous to us all because it has no stop light. According to a summary of Lompoc City Police reports filed within the last 14 months, there have been 19 collisions at the corner of H Street and Laurel Avenue. Of these, 19 collisions, 11 were attributed to the failure of East/West Laurel Avenue traffic to stop at H Street. The remaining 8 accidents were attributed to motorist traveling North and South on H Street, striking cars in the rear that had just turned on to H street from Laurel Avenue. An analysis of Lompoc traffic accidents was prepared by Mr. J. T. Brown of the California Department of Motor Vehicles Mishap Investigation Division, and published February 22nd,1996. In this analysis, the underlying cause of these specific 19 traffic accidents was listed as the lack of adequate traffic control at the intersection of H Street and Laurel Avenue. The analysis further went on to site the installation of a traffic signal as the recommended solution.
Personal Introduction : Good Afternoon Motivational Statement : tonight, I'm going to provide you with some information that can literally save your life. Overview : The nature of a serious problem that we are facing and then, I'll cover. What has been done by city officials and law enforcement so Far to resolve this problem and finally, I'll discuss. What we can do now to protect ourselves from the threat this problem poses I. Body The problem that we are facing is the deadly intersection of H Street an Laurel Avenue. This intersection is dangerous to us all because it has no stop light. According to a summary of Lompoc City Police reports filed within the last 14 months, there have been 19 collisions at the corner of H Street and Laurel Avenue. Of these, 19 collisions, 11 were attributed to the failure of East/West Laurel Avenue traffic to stop at H Street. The remaining 8 accidents were attributed to motorist traveling North and South on H Street, striking cars in the rear that had just turned on to H street from Laurel Avenue. An analysis of Lompoc traffic accidents was prepared by Mr. J. T. Brown of the California Department of Motor Vehicles Mishap Investigation Division, and published February 22nd,1996. In this analysis, the underlying cause of these specific 19 traffic accidents was listed as the lack of adequate traffic control at the intersection of H Street and Laurel Avenue. The analysis further went on to site the installation of a traffic signal as the recommended solution.