Background of the Study Pechay (Brassica rapa chinensis) could grow for almost 15-20 cm tall and have wide leaves (Siemonsma & Piluek, 1994). Pechay would grow under any climate and could be produced throughout the year specially when the provided soil is rich in organic fertilizer and with good drainage. It could be harvested as they reached the desired size (Cultural Directions for Phil. Agricultural Crops, 2003).
Sewage sludge is produced from the treatment of wastewater. It has generally been perceived by the public as a waste which has a little beneficial use and needs to be disposed of in landfills. It can be a source of nutrients for the soil. Using this material as a fertilizer can benefit the environment by turning wastes into valuable resources. Sludge can be obtained at a little or no cost (Mitchell, 1992: Rechcigl, 2000).
This study will be conducted to determine the effect of sludge from waste water treatment on the growth of Pechay (Brassica rapa chinensis).
Statement of the Problem
General Objective
This study primarily aims to find out the effect of sludge from wastewater treatment on the growth of Pechay.
Specific Objective
1. To determine the effect of the different amount of decomposed sludge from wastewater treatment on the height and number of leaves of Brasica rapa chinensis
1. The different amount of decomposed sludge from wastewater treatment has no effect on the height and numbers of leaves of Brassica rapa chinensis
Significance of the Study
The sludge from wastewater treatment used as an organic fertilizer could benefit the farmers because it is cheaper and this could not require them to buy an expensive commercial fertilizer that could pollute the environment. Using this material as a natural fertilizer can benefit the environment by turning wastes into valuable resources.
Scope and
Bibliography: "Botany: Setting Up for RCB Lab." Rhodes College., accessed February 4, 2005. DENR- CAR, 1991. Technology Transfer Series, Vol. (1). 2003 Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development. Mulanax, Matt. Science Buddies Advisor, email correspondence February 4, 2005. Siemonsma, J.S. and Piluek, K. (Editors). 1994. PROSEA Handbook No. 8 Vegetables. Pudoc, Wageningen. 1993/PROSEA, Bogor. DENR-CAR, 1991. Technology Transfer Series, Vol. 1(1). Rechcigl, J. 2000. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. University of Florida, IFAS, Range Cattle REC The Garden Helper, Components and Uses of Fertilizers in the Garden. September 12, 1999