Year/Sem/Course: __________________________ Status: ______
Please CHECK your choice/answer.
1. What form of communication do you use the least to keep in contact with your close friends?
__ Face to face communication __ Texting, Email or Instant Messaging
__ Facebook __ Telephone
2. How long have you been a member of Facebook?
__ Less than 6 months __ 2-3 years
__ More than 6 months, but less than 1 year __ More than 3 years
__ More than 1 year, but less than 2 years
3. How often do you log in to Facebook?
__ Multiple times a day __ A few times a month
__ Once a day __ Rarely ever
__ A few times a week
4. Do you create Facebook Groups for your section?
__ Yes __ No
5. Do you accept friend requests from an anonymous person?
__ Yes __ No __ Sometimes
6. What do you use Facebook for? Please check ALL that apply.
__ Finding old friends
__ Networking
__ Keeping in touch with friends
__ Groups
__ Making new friends
__ Applications
__ Event invites
__ Other (please specify: _____________ )
7. Do you find Facebook helpful?
__ Yes __ No
Please rank your agreement or disagreement to the following statements:
Never Sometimes Seldom Often Always My Facebook connections are considered real world friends
I believe that I can trust ALL of my Facebook Friends
Friends on Facebook treat me the same online as they do offline
I prefer talking to my friends on Facebook instead