B. Objective of the Study
C. Statement of the Problem
The main purpose of the study is to determine the factors that influence the academic performance of nursing students having an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) parent/s of Western Mindanao State University.
Specifically, the researchers would like to seek answers to the following questions:
1. What is the soci-demographic characteristics of the following:
a. Student-respondent
b. Employed Parents (OFW)
c. Left-Behind Parent
d. Other Support System
2. What are the factors that in influence the academic performance of senior nursing students with an OFW parent/s in terms of the following variable:
a. Parental Involvement
b. Home Environment
c. School Motivation
d. Personal Adjustment
3. Do senior nursing students, despite having parent/s abroad, excel in class?
D. Statement of Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between the Parental Involvement, Home Environment, School Motivation and Personal Adjustment and the Academic Performance of the Student.
E. Significance of the Study
The research study aims to
F. Scope and Delimitation
This study is focused on the determination of the factors that influences the academic performance of nursing students with an OFW parent in the Western Mindanao State University.
Students with an OFW parent/s in the College of Nursing, Western Mindanao State University were the main respondents of the study.
The study was conducted at the College of Nursing, Western Mindanao State University.
Western Mindanao State University is the leading and only state university in Zamboanga City. It is said to be one of the oldest university in Zamboanga City. This area is situated at the Western coast of Zamboanga City. It is approximately two (2) kilometers from the city proper.
Study Design
This research study used Descriptive-Correlation Method which allowed the researchers to correlate the independent variables to dependent variables.