The researcher is conducting a study entitled, “Advantages and Disadvantages of a First Year Cadet who has a Cousin on the Senior Classes”. This survey will serve as an instrument in the fulfillment of the said study. The researcher also hopes for honest answers which will be based on your own experience inline with the study. The researcher also assures you that your response will be kept confidential.
Truly yours,
E/Cdt. Sesgundo, Jun Paulo B.
Personal Information:
Name (Optional):_____________________________ Age: ______________
Year and Section: _____________________________
Instructions: Put whether your answer is strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree through their corresponding numbers as listed below;
4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree
|Questions |Response |
|A. |Did your cousin from the higher classes help you in entering NYK-TDG Maritime Academy? | |
|B. |Does your cousin from the higher classes help you in your daily life inside NYK-TDG Maritime | |
| |Academy? | |
|C. |Does your cousin from the higher classes help you in your academic subjects? | |
|D. |Does your cousin from the higher classes help you when other senior bullies you? | |
|E. |Does your classmates and batch mate benefits from you on having a cousin on the senior classes? | |
|F. |Did some of your classmates and batch mate criticize you on having a cousin from the senior | |
| |classes?