Café Nation
© 2013
January 28, 2013
Café Nation
Contact: 0123 456 7899
Phone: 123 4567
Project title
Website design and development for Café Nation
Scope I will develop a completely custom website for Café Nation. The goal of this website is to provide Café Nation with an online presence and to provide current and prospective customer vital information about Café Nation business operations.
The website will be a 5 page website consisting of the following pages: Home, About, Contact, Services, and Menu. The home page will have text and pictures about Café Nation. The about page will give a company description. The contact page will have a form allowing customers to send an email to Café Nation. The services page will list services. The Menu page will have photos of the products and prices.
The design process consists of four (4) phases: Concept, Design, Technical, and Testing. In the concept phase, I begin work by outlining the basic flow and gathering text and images for the website. In the design phase I create digital artwork for the outlined web pages and integrate the images and text. In the technical phase I enable the website server, domains and add interactive functionality like forms and emails. In the testing phase, I check the entire website to make sire it is operating as expected.
Milestones and Payment Schedules
We would anticipate the project taking 10-14 weeks to complete. The exact speed of design & development will be affected by client turnaround times, for example responding to designs etc.
We’re a small company that helps our clients get impressive results from their websites.
Our approach is simple.
We believe what matters about a company’s website isn’t how pretty it is or how clever the programming is, it’s how successful