Outline: I. “I now pronounce you husband and husband”, when many people hear this statement whether in real life or in movies, it brings about many different opinions and reactions. Same sex marriage is still a controversial issue, and it’s questionable in many societies, in fact it is acceptable in very few communities in the world. People who oppose gay marriage are actually opposing unethical behavior that goes against many beliefs and different religions. Although some might think it is a person’s right to love and marry whoever he/she wants, gay marriages should be prohibited in all parts of the world for it goes against most religions, nature, ethics and humanity II. God created Adam; he created for him a wife, not a husband. God’s intentions were clear, and that meant that marriage and family would always be between man and woman. Many religious people, whether holy men or regular people who hold their beliefs close, argue that gay marriage should not be allowed to happen and that it destroys the sanctity of this bond between two people. III. Gay marriages are mostly considered to be unethical marriages that are not based on any moral grounds and therefore are frowned upon. Many believe that the idea of a gay marriage is utterly outrageous because it involves the bond between two people of the same sex which some might find disturbing or repulsive. IV. the children of gay marriages are always being denied either a father or mother. People who oppose gay marriages believe that the children of such gay couples deserve better, actually, they deserve more; all children deserve to have a mother and a father. V. Some claim that same sex marriages should not be frowned upon and should eventually become a normal part of everyday life. They believe that homosexuality is not an abnormality; however is just another form of relationships. Just like women are attracted to men and men are attracted to women, men can be attracted to men and women can also be attracted to women. It is just as normal as any other phenomenon and might even make more sense than heterosexuality sometimes. However, how right can this point of view be? Same sex marriages are not only unethical, but also are against many religions, defy the political and moral standards and are not beneficial for the future of our societies. In addition, homosexuality is a new phenomenon that is bringing about uprisings in many different societies. Also, marriages have always been based on the bonds of holy matrimony between a man and a woman and nothing more. VI. The world should not change its natural laws, its religions and its morality due to a group of people who claim it is only natural for them to be with the same sex.
Media and celebrities has been increasing demand for gay marriage to be allowed like Angelina Julie and Brad Pitte. Whereas gay marriage should be banned, since it is against most religions, nature, ethics, and humanity.
“I now pronounce you husband and husband”, when many people hear this statement whether in real life or in movies, it brings about many different opinions and reactions. Same sex marriage is still a controversial issue, and it’s questionable in many societies, in fact it is acceptable in very few communities in the world. People who oppose gay marriage are actually opposing unethical behavior that goes against many beliefs and different religions. Although some might think it is a person’s right to love and marry whoever he/she wants, gay marriages should be prohibited in all parts of the world for it goes against religion, nature, ethics and humanity.
When God created Adam, he created for him a wife, not a husband. God’s intentions were clear, and that meant that marriage and family would always be between man and woman. Many religious people, whether holy men or regular people who hold their beliefs close, argue that gay marriage should not be allowed to happen and that it destroys the sanctity of this bond between two people. Holy books have discussed this topic since the beginning of time by stating that God created man and woman to be fertile and to reproduce. Therefore, whoever believes in a God should oppose same sex relationships, as they are an offence to God. Edwards claimed “in Australia the religious right has advanced a number of arguments to isolate legally sanctioned heterosexual relationships in an inviolate conceptual and social space.” And then in the year 2004 the Australian government banned same-sex marriage. Thus, the simple act of being a homosexual and having same sex relations is considered a sin because it goes against what God intended, and therefore should be punished. Not only is homosexuality against religion, it is also unnatural.
Moreover, heterosexual marriages are a natural and normal bond that agrees with nature and is considered good. However, nature depicts gay marriages as bad. Many people believe that marriage is a moral and social right that was instituted by God in nature. “Nature does not include same-sex relationships in its design and no biological imperative therefore exists for sex between women or between men.” (Van Grend, 2007). In addition, marriage is not just any relationship between human beings. It is rooted in nature and therefore is governed by natural law. These natural laws are universal and immutable and generally apply to the whole human race, equally. The National Marriage Coalition in Edwards released a statement in 2007 announcing that to them marriage was the commitment between a male and a female; it is an expression of love and a beautiful sacred bond. It is not only unnatural to have homosexual relations; it also negatively affects the way children involved view the world.
Furthermore, the children of gay marriages are always being denied either a father or mother. People who oppose gay marriages believe that the children of such gay couples deserve better, actually, they deserve more; all children deserve to have a mother and a father. The absence of parents with different sexes can affect a child’s view on the world, and their emotional stability. In many cases the presence of two gay dads can affect a little boy’s behavior or conduct in the world since the dads can’t provide what a mother can. This in itself removes the balance in the child’s life. Children adopted by or brought into gay families may not be aware of the life outside the family in their early years, but when they do start to understand, they may have a lot to face and a lot to adjust to. They tend to grow up with certain ideas about the world, taught by their foster parents, which may not be at all realistic or acceptable. Also, these children might eventually be bullied in school for having two dads or two moms. Being bullied is a major crisis in a child’s life and might therefore impact their education or social states. Moreover, children who grow up with parents of the same sex might inherit their personality traits and characteristics and might therefore think that being gay is what is meant for them to be. They might think that being gay is what is socially acceptable and therefore adopt these habits. Also, children need the compassion of a mother to be able to handle the difficulties in life. Yet, a father figure is also needed to make the children strong and have the right amount of security and protection in order for them to grow up properly. Thus, a marriage should provide both communal and assertive figures for the children. Heterosexual and homosexual marriages differ in gender-linked effects because of socialization pressures for women to be communal and men to be assertive. There is evidence that women are more expressive than men, develop more positive models, and are better integrated into social support systems then men are. Hence there is never a solidity and balance in a homosexual household since gay men see themselves as more communal and lesbians see themselves as more argentic and assertive. Lesbians and gays are not considered to be family members but only individuals.
Such an issue as same-sex marriage isn’t only religious; it is also political. In many countries where politics and religion are tied together, a candidate can lose voters if they admit that he or she actually supports gay marriage. People with strong religious and ethical beliefs will protect themselves and their families from anyone they believe to be a bad influence, whether it’s actually someone who is gay, or just someone who supports the idea of gay marriage. These people’s beliefs are not subject to change, since normally they are active members of churches, and the community, and possibly traditionalists. In the 2012 presidential elections in the U.S, Mitt Romney announced that he was against same-sex marriage, as most Americans are. He believes that it isn’t a matter of tolerance, but about the “purpose of the institution of marriage”. And that won him many votes, mostly from the more conservative people. As many Americans believe, he also believes that marriage is between man and woman, and the sharing of domestic responsibilities falls on both sexes, which is the purpose of marriage.
Gay marriages are mostly considered to be unethical marriages that are not based on any moral grounds and therefore are frowned upon. Many believe that the idea of a gay marriage is utterly outrageous because it involves the bond between two people of the same sex which some might find disturbing or repulsive. In contrast to heterosexual marriages which are considered a bedrock institution, homosexual couples in specific don’t really enjoy the support of their families and therefore may not benefit from any stabilizing influence such support gives. They are considered to be immoral and absurd for having gone out of the ordinary and irrationally choosing the same sex partner as a lawfully wedded man or wife. Families of such gay members might view the marriage as an end of the family name or a huge disgrace to the family name. A gay person’s own family might not accept the fact that he/she turned gay and might start questioning the reasons behind it bringing about many other questions. However, some might argue that every person is free to choose their own life partner because the heart wants what the heart wants.
Some claim that same sex marriages should not be frowned upon and should eventually become a normal part of everyday life. They believe that homosexuality is not an abnormality, however is just another form of relationships. Just like women are attracted to men and men are attracted to women, men can be attracted to men and women can also be attracted to women. It is just as normal as any other phenomenon and might even make more sense than heterosexuality sometimes. People who support homosexuality state that lesbians and fays are more diverse, variable, resilient, and thriving than heterosexuals. Moreover, they sometimes make better fathers or mothers and better partners. In addition, supporters of gay rights believe that the children involved in same sex marriages are actually being saved from foster homes and given an education and a family rather than remaining among the millions of homeless or loveless parentless children. They believe that these children actually benefit more because they are being raised by such parenthood since the parents bring in new ideas and different views on life so that the children can learn never to be biased or restricted in thought and beliefs. However, how right can this point of view be? Same sex marriages are not only unethical, but also are against many religions, defy the political and moral standards and are not beneficial for the future of our societies. In addition, homosexuality is a new phenomenon that is bringing about uprisings in many different societies. Also, marriages have always been based on the bonds of holy matrimony between a man and a woman and nothing more. Therefore, homosexuality can’t just come and change that entity. A marriage cannot simply change its definition because of what’s happening in the world. The people should adapt to the world as it is, not the other way around. The world should not change its natural laws, its religions and its morality due to a group of people who claim it is only natural for them to be with the same sex.
In conclusion, there will always be a controversy between the two different points of view about same sex marriages, but the truth is life has always been a certain set of rules and regulations and should not, could not, and will not change for the purpose of homosexuality. Same sex marriages should be prohibited because they do not belong to any religious concept, moral ground or ethical conduct. Heterosexuality has always been what’s right and should remain the same way throughout all of history.
Reference * Kurdek, A. (May 2006). Differences Between Partners Heterosexual ,Gay ,Lesbian Cohabiting Couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 509-528. * Allen, K. & Demo, D.(February 1995). The Families of Lesbians and Gay Men: A New Frontier in Family Resources Journal of Marriage and the Family, 111-127. * Edwards, J. (May-June 2007). ‘Marriage is sacred’: The religious right’s arguments against ‘gay marriage’ in Australia. Culture, Health, and sexuality, 9(3), 247-261. * Gaines, N.S. & Garand, J.C. (September 2010). Morality, Equality, Locality: Analyzing the Determinants of Support for Same-sex Marriage. Political Research Quarterly, 63(3), 553-567.