International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and Social Sciences (IJFPSS)
IJFPSS, Vol 3, No.4, pp. 63-70 ,Dec , 2013
S. Khani
The Relationship of Appliance Consumer Personality Trait,
Brand Personality, Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity in the
Mobile Phone Industry
Sajad Khani*1, Seyyed Mahdi Imanikhah2, Hamed Gheysari3, Seyyed Saadat Kamali4, Tahereh Ghorbanzadeh5
Faculty of Management, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Management, Payam-e-Noor University, Garmsar, Iran
Training Department of Mellat bank, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Naragh Branch, Naragh, Iran
Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Qazvin, Iran
(Received Nov 2013; Published Dec 2013)
Personality traits play an important role in customer brands selection with their own personality traits that are consistent with them and this consistence caused promotion brand loyalty and ultimately promotion brand equity. This study examines the adaptation of the customer personality and brand personality and the effect of it on Attitudinal and behavioural loyalty and brand equity in the mobile phone industry in Tehran. Sample of study is 400 actual and potential customers of Samsung mobile in Tehran. The results show that adoption of brand personality and personality traits improve attitude and behavioural loyalty brand and brand equity.
Keywords: Consumer Personality Trait, Brand Personality, Brand Loyalty, Brand Equity
Mobile industry in Iran is one of the emerging industry that seems will not be able to survive if ignore the relationship of appliance consumer personality trait, brand personality and specially relinquish the brand loyalty and brand equity
because this items is valuable for both customer and company. Due
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