John Myers
November 11, 2012
Lawrence W. Daly
Samsung vs. Apple - The smartphone wars
The Samsung Galaxy S has a better operating system than the Apple iPhone, which is why Apple is suing Samsung over infringement rights; greed took over. The smartphone craze was started in 2007, when the Apple Corporation strove to be the next innovative mind in the electronics world. These innovations were followed by greed and a desire to own the market. Samsung and Google wanted a piece of the smartphone market; they released the Android smartphone in 2011. This release is what spawned the lawsuit that still drives on today. Apple vs. Samsung: the war to own the smartphone market.
The Original Lawsuit
The Apple Corporation reinvented the cell phone industry in 2007 when it came out with the iPhone. This phone took the consumer from just playing games and talking, to multi-tasking within the confines of a lightweight handheld device. This phone offered functions such as a multi-touch screen that allows users to control the phone with their fingers, music storage and playback, a mobile computing platform for handheld applications, and full access to the Internet. The simple yet innovative design was carried over to other Apple products; the iPod and iPad, because of innovative technology and distinctive design these products achieved instant success. With these achievements Apple felt the need to patent the utility, design, trademarks and dress protection to ward off competitors trying to emulate their products (United States District Court Northern District of California, 2011).
Samsung, one of Apple’s key competitors, introduced the Galaxy line of mobile phones and the Galaxy Tab computer tablet. These devices use the Google Android operating systems. Apple believed that Samsung deliberately copied the “technology, distinctive user interfaces, and elegant and distinctive product and packaging design, in violation of
References: Apple iPhone 4. (2012). Retrieved from Bode, K Boghani, P. (2012). Samsung wants Apple 's patent win overturned. Retrieved from Lowensohn, J Paczkowski, J. (2012). Court Overturns Apple-Won Ban on Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus. Retrieved from Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket Shontell, A. (2012). Samsung And Google Are Meeting To Discuss Apple. Retrieved from Smartphones Smartphones. (2012, December). Consumer reports, (), 47-49. Takahashi, D. (2011). How Steve Jobs felt betrayed by Eric Schmidt over Google’s Android. Retrieved from The Associated Press United States District Court Northern District of California. (2011). Retrieved from